

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "contra-propeller" в других словарях:

  • Contra-rotating propellers — For contra rotating marine propellors, helicopter rotors and turbine fan blades, see Contra rotating. Not to be confused with counter rotating propellers. Contra rotating propellers on a Rolls Royce–Griffon–powered P 51 unlimited racer Aircraft… …   Wikipedia

  • Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… …   Wikipedia

  • Contra-rotating — A Soviet Ka 32 helicopter with coaxial contra rotating rotors, in 1989 Contra rotating, also referred to as coaxial contra rotating, is a technique whereby parts of a mechanism rotate in opposite directions about a common axis, usually to… …   Wikipedia

  • contra-guide rudder — /kon treuh guyd /, Naut. a rudder having a horizontal offset of its upper and lower halves to improve the flow characteristics of the propeller race. * * * …   Universalium

  • contra-guide rudder — /kon treuh guyd /, Naut. a rudder having a horizontal offset of its upper and lower halves to improve the flow characteristics of the propeller race …   Useful english dictionary

  • Controllable pitch propeller — A controllable pitch propeller (CPP) or variable pitch propeller is a type of propeller with blades that can be rotated around their long axis to change their pitch. If the pitch can be set to negative values, the reversible propeller can also… …   Wikipedia

  • Constant speed propeller — Cutaway constant speed propeller hub …   Wikipedia

  • Fastest propeller-driven aircraft — A number of aircraft have claimed to be the fastest propeller driven aircraft. This article presents the current record holders for several sub classes of propeller driven aircracft that hold recognized, documented speed records. Fédération… …   Wikipedia

  • Scimitar propeller — A scimitar propeller is shaped like a scimitar sword, with increasing sweep along the leading edge. Typically scimitar propellers are constructed of lightweight or composite materials. The combination of light weight and efficient aerodynamics… …   Wikipedia

  • Hélice à contra-rotation — Hélice contrarotative Hélices contrarotatives sur un Spitfire Mk. XIX Une hélice contrarotative ou hélice à contra rotation désigne un cas particulier d hélice utilisée sur certains avions et navires. Elle comprend deux hélices placées l une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • contrarotating propeller — |kän.trə+... noun Etymology: contra + rotating : one of a pair of propellers (as on a ship or airplane) mounted on concentric shafts, having a common drive, and turning in opposite directions to reduce the torque reaction * * * contrarotating… …   Useful english dictionary

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