- continuous-tone image
многотоновое изображение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Continuous-Tone Image — [engl.], Volltonbild … Universal-Lexikon
Continuous tone — A continuous tone image is one where each color at any point in the image is reproduced as a single tone, and not as discrete halftones, such as one single color for monochromatic prints, or a combination of halftones for color prints. The most… … Wikipedia
continuous tone — An image that has all the values (0 to 100 percent) of gray (black & white) or color in it. A photograph is a continuous tone image. Contrast with halftone … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Полутоновое изображение (Continuous-Tone Image) — Исходное изображение, которое состоит из оттенков серого и/или других цветов. Основная особенность такого изображения возможность плавного перехода от одного цвета или оттенка к другому. Печатные машины, как и экран компьютера, не могут… … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
continuous tone — image in which the tones have smooth transitions … English contemporary dictionary
Image/jpeg — Die Joint Photographic Experts Group [dʒɔɪnt ˌfəʊtəˈgɹæfɪk ˈɛkspɜːts gɹuːp, ˈdʒeɪpɛg] (engl. Verbindung der Fotografieexperten) ist ein gemeinsames Komitee der ISO und der ITU T (früher CCITT), das die JPEG und JPEG 2000 Standards entwickelt hat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tagged Image File Format — TIF and TIFF redirect here. For other uses, see TIF (disambiguation) and TIFF (disambiguation). Tagged Image File Format Filename extension .tiff, .tif Internet media type image/tiff, image/tiff fx Type code TIFF Unifo … Wikipedia
Tone variator — German psychologist William Stern invented the tone variator in 1897 to study human sensitivity to changes in pitch, going beyond the traditional psychophysical research of studying the sensitivity to differences in discrete tones. The instrument … Wikipedia
Tone cluster — Example of piano tone clusters. The clusters in the upper staff C♯ D♯ F♯ G♯ are four successive black keys … Wikipedia
Raster image processor — A raster image processor (RIP) is a component used in a printing system which produces a raster image also know as a bitmap. The bitmap is then sent to a printing device for output. The input may be a page description in a high level page… … Wikipedia
Color image — A (digital) color image is a digital image that includes color information for each pixel. For visually acceptable results, it is necessary (and almost sufficient) to provide three samples (color channels) for each pixel, which are interpreted as … Wikipedia