contaminated scrap

contaminated scrap
засорённый лом

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "contaminated scrap" в других словарях:

  • Radioactive scrap metal — is the situation when radioactive material enters the metal recycling process known as the scrap metal trade. Overview A lost source accident [P Ortiz, V Friedrich, J Wheatley and M Oresegun, [… …   Wikipedia

  • Yucca Flat — is a closed desert drainage basin, one of four major nuclear test regions within the Nevada Test Site (NTS), and is divided into nine test sections: Areas 1 through 4 and 6 through 10. Yucca Flat is located at the eastern edge of NTS, about ten… …   Wikipedia

  • Chinese protein export contamination — was first identified after the wide recall of many brands of cat and dog food starting in March 2007 (the 2007 pet food recalls), and eventually involved the human food supply. The recalls in North America, Europe and South Africa came in… …   Wikipedia

  • Protein adulteration in the People's Republic of China — refers to the adulteration and contamination of several food and feed ingredients with inexpensive melamine and other compounds such as cyanuric acid, ammeline and ammelide. These adulterants can be used to inflate the apparent protein content of …   Wikipedia

  • 2008 Chinese milk scandal — For timeline of events in the contamination, see Timeline of the 2008 Chinese milk scandal. Stripped shelves in a supermarket in China as a result of the contamination (September 2008) The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a food safety incident in… …   Wikipedia

  • environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… …   Universalium

  • Radioactive waste — 2007 ISO radioactivity danger logo, designed in part for long term radioactive waste depositories which might survive into a far future time in which all knowledge of the meaning of present common radiation danger symbols and signs has been lost… …   Wikipedia

  • Goiânia accident — The Goiânia accident was an incident of radioactive contamination in central Brazil that killed several people and injured many others. On September 13, 1987, an old radiation source was scavenged from an abandoned hospital in Goiânia, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Crossroads — Coordinates: 11°36′N 165°30′E / 11.6°N 165.5°E / 11.6; 165.5 …   Wikipedia

  • List of civilian radiation accidents — This article lists notable civilian accidents involving radioactive materials or involving ionizing radiation from artificial sources such as x ray tubes and particle accelerators. Accidents related to nuclear power that involve fissile materials …   Wikipedia

  • Chemetco — Former type Private Industry Recycling Fate Bankruptcy Founded Illinois, United States June 9, 1969 (1969 06 09) …   Wikipedia

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