- contactless sensor
бесконтактный датчик
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
бесконтактный датчик — Позиционный выключатель с подвижной частью без механического контакта [ГОСТ Р 50030.5.2 99 (МЭК 60947 5 2 97)] Классификация бесконтактных датчиков (по ГОСТ Р 50030.5.2 99 (МЭК 60947 5 2 97)) по способу обнаружения (1 я позиция в обозначении)… … Справочник технического переводчика
Radio-frequency identification — (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label, attached to an object, through a reader for the purpose of identifying and tracking the object. Some RFID tags can be read from… … Wikipedia
Hall effect — For the Colombian band, see The Hall Effect (band). The Hall effect is the production of a voltage difference (the Hall voltage) across an electrical conductor, transverse to an electric current in the conductor and a magnetic field perpendicular … Wikipedia
Security token — Several types of security tokens with a penny for scale … Wikipedia
Société de transport de Montréal — (Montreal Transit Corporation) Top: Lionel Groulx metro station and 2010 STM logo … Wikipedia
Thermometer — A clinical mercury in glass thermometer … Wikipedia
Manila Metro Rail Transit System — Metrostar Express … Wikipedia
Breeze Card — Infobox electronic payment | | name= Breeze Card | location= Atlanta, Georgia | launched= 2006 | service 1= MARTA Rapid Rail | service 2= MARTA Bus| service 3= | service 4= | service 5= | service 6= service 7= | sales location 1= Breeze Vending… … Wikipedia
Biometrics — For the academic journal of statistics in biology, see Biometrics (journal). For the application of statistics to topics in biology, see Biostatistics. At Walt Disney World, biometric measurements are taken from the fingers of guests to ensure… … Wikipedia
Intergiciel pour étiquettes électroniques — Un intergiciel pour étiquettes électroniques est un logiciel tiers destiné à simplifier l accès et l exploitation des informations stockées dans des étiquettes RFID issues de l industrie électronique. Les étiquettes électroniques sont le plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Joystick — For other uses, see Joystick (disambiguation). Video game joystick elements: #1 Stick; #2 Base; #3 Trigger; #4 Extra buttons; #5 Autofire switch; #6 Throttle; #7 Hat Switch (POV Hat); #8 Suction Cup A joystick is an input device consisting of a… … Wikipedia