contact seal

contact seal
контактное уплотнение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "contact seal" в других словарях:

  • seal — seal1 [sēl] n. [ME seel < OFr < L sigillum, a seal, mark, dim. of signum: see SIGN] 1. a design, initial, or other device placed on a letter, document, etc., as a mark of genuineness or authenticity: letters were, esp. formerly, closed with …   English World dictionary

  • Seal finger — Seal finger, also known as sealer s finger and spekk finger (from the Norwegian for blubber ), is an infection that afflicts the fingers of sealers and other people who handle pinnipeds, as a result of bites or contact with exposed seal bones; it …   Wikipedia

  • SEAL — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Seal (homonymie). Traduction à relire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Contact lens — Contacts redirects here. For the software application, see Address book. A pair of contact lenses, positioned with the concave side facing upward …   Wikipedia

  • Seal dribble — Lexique du football Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Action : Ensemble de combinaisons menant à une situation devant le but. Aile de pigeon : Terme désignant un typ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • seal — 1. A tight closure. 2. To effect a tight closure. border s. the contact of the denture border with the underlying or adjacent tissues to prevent the passage of air or other substances. SYN: peripheral s.. palatal s. SYN …   Medical dictionary

  • End face mechanical seal — An end face mechanical seal, also referred to as a mechanical face seal but usually simply as a mechanical seal, is a type of seal utilised in rotating equipment, such as pumps and compressors. When a pump operates, the liquid could leak out of… …   Wikipedia

  • Mediterranean Monk Seal — Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • Glass-to-metal seal — Glass to metal seals are a very important element of the construction of vacuum tubes, electric discharge tubes, incandescent light bulbs, glass encapsulated semiconductor diodes, reed switches, pressure tight glass windows in metal cases, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Radial shaft seal — Radial shaft seals are used to seal rotary elements, such as a shaft or rotating bore. Common examples include strut seals, hydraulic pumps seals, axle seals, power steering seals, and valve stem seals. Early radial shaft seals utilized rawhide… …   Wikipedia

  • Dry gas seal — Dry gas seals are non contacting, dry running mechanical face seals consist of a mating (rotating) ring and a primary (stationary) ring. When operating, grooves in the rotating ring generate a fluid dynamic force causing the stationary ring to… …   Wikipedia

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