
1) строительство; стройка;
2) строение; сооружение; здание
3) конструкция
4) конструирование
5) матем. построение; составление
6) структура
7) трикотажное переплетение
construction in dry — гидр. строительство насухо (напр. перемычкой),
under construction — в стадии строительства (об объекте)
additional construction
auxiliary construction
avalanche-protection construction
bagged-out construction
balanced construction
basic construction
BBC construction
beam-and-girder construction
bearing-wall construction
block construction
breadboard construction
brick construction
bucket shell tine construction
building block construction
building construction
cap-and-base-tread construction
cellular construction
columnal construction
composite construction
construction of diagram
cross-wall construction
double-wall construction
dry-wall construction
dry construction
engine module construction
field facilities construction
fire-resistant construction
flat-slab construction
folded-plate construction
frame construction
geometrical construction
geometric construction
girderless construction
heavy-wall construction
hipped-plate construction
hollow-core construction
hollow-wood construction
hologram construction
image construction
integral body construction
irrigation and drainage construction
layer-built construction
leakproof construction
lift-slab construction
modular construction
multiply construction
noncombustible construction
one-piece construction
orbiter-based construction
packwall construction
pan construction
planar construction
pneumatic construction
prefabricated construction
rammed-earth construction
reclamation construction
sandwich construction
semihydraulic construction
shell construction
shingled construction of tank
skeleton construction
steel-cage construction
stressed-skin construction
tilt-up construction
top construction
tunnel construction
tuyere belt construction
unit construction
unit tread construction
unitary body construction
unprotected metal construction
warp-knitted terry construction
water-retaining construction
wood-frame construction

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "construction" в других словарях:

  • construction — [ kɔ̃stryksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1130; lat. constructio, de construere → construire 1 ♦ Action de construire. ⇒ assemblage, édification, érection. La construction d une maison, d un mur. Un immeuble en construction, en train d être construit (⇒ chantier) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • construction — con·struc·tion /kən strək shən/ n: the act or result of construing, interpreting, or explaining meaning or effect (as of a statute or contract) the construction placed upon an agreement J. D. Calamari and J. M. Perillo Merriam Webster’s… …   Law dictionary

  • construction — con‧struc‧tion [kənˈstrʌkʆn] noun 1. [uncountable] PROPERTY the activity of building houses, apartments, offices, factories, roads etc: • Share prices of construction, building materials and property investment companies were particularly hard… …   Financial and business terms

  • construction — CONSTRUCTION. s. f. Action de construire. On a interrompu la construction de ce bâtiment. f♛/b] Il signifie aussi l Arrangement, la disposition des parties d un bâtiment. La construction de ce Palais est parfaitement belle et solide. Cet homme là …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Construction — Con*struc tion, n. [L. constructio: cf. F. construction.] 1. The process or art of constructing; the act of building; erection; the act of devising and forming; fabrication; composition. [1913 Webster] 2. The form or manner of building or putting …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • construction — Construction. s. f. Arrangement, disposition des parties d un bastiment. La construction de ce palais est parfaitement belle & solide. cet homme là entend bien la construction des vaisseaux. Construction fig. & en termes de grammaire signifie, L… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • construction — [kən struk′shən] n. [ME construccioun < OFr construction < L constructio] 1. the act or process of constructing 2. the way in which something is constructed; manner or method of building 3. something constructed; structure; building 4. an… …   English World dictionary

  • construction — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. construction or directly from L. constructionem (nom. constructio), from construct , pp. stem of construere pile up together, accumulate; build, make, erect, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + struere to pile up… …   Etymology dictionary

  • construction — [n1] creation, building architecture, arrangement, assembly, build, cast, composition, conception, constitution, contour, cut, development, disposition, edifice, elevation, erecting, erection, fabric, fabricating, fabrication, figuration, figure …   New thesaurus

  • Construction — (v. lat.), 1) Zusammenstellung, Zusammensetzung eines Ganzen aus einzelnen Theilen; 2) organische Bildung, in Rücksicht auf ihre zweck u. gesetzmäßige Form; 3) (Gramm.), Zusammenfügung der Wörter zu einem Satze u. der einzelnen Satztheile zu… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Construction — Construction, lat., geordnete Zusammenfügung, Bau; in der Grammatik die Verbindung der Worte zu Sätzen und der Sätze zu Perioden; in der Mathematik die Darstellung der Lehrsätze durch Figuren; in der Philosophie die Entwickelung der Folgesätze… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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