- constant velocity profile
контур (детали), полученный при постоянной скорости подачи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Von Kármán constant — A unitless constant describing the logarithmic velocity profile of a turbulent fluid near a no slip boundary. The equation for such boundary layer flow profiles is:u=frac{u {star{k}lnfrac{z}{z 0}where u is the velocity at height z above the… … Wikipedia
Critical ionization velocity — experiment onboard space shuttle Discovery (STS 39), releasing a plume of nitrous oxide gas. Full text Critical ionization velocity (CIV, also called Critical velocity, CV) is the relative v … Wikipedia
Log wind profile — The Log wind profile is a semi empirical relationship used to describe the vertical distribution of horizontal wind speeds above the ground within the atmospheric surface layer. The relationship is well described in the planetary boundary layer… … Wikipedia
Singular isothermal sphere profile — The singular isothermal sphere (SIS) profile is the simplest parameterizationdn of the spatial distribution of matter in an astronomical system (e.g. galaxies, clusters of galaxies, etc.) [cite journal| first = C. | last = Keeton | year = 2002 |… … Wikipedia
fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… … Universalium
Gear — For the gear like device used to drive a roller chain, see Sprocket. This article is about mechanical gears. For other uses, see Gear (disambiguation). Two meshing gears transmitting rotational motion. Note that the smaller gear is rotating… … Wikipedia
Doppler effect — Change of wavelength caused by motion of the source. An animation illustrating how the Doppler effect causes a car engine or siren to soun … Wikipedia
Wind gradient — In common usage, wind gradient, more specifically wind speed gradientcite book | last = Hadlock | first = Charles | title = Mathematical Modeling in the Environment | publisher = Mathematical Association of America | location = Washington | year … Wikipedia
Dark matter — Not to be confused with antimatter, dark energy, dark fluid or dark flow. For other uses, see Dark Matter (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Couette flow — In fluid dynamics, Couette flow refers to the laminar flow of a viscous fluid in the space between two parallel plates, one of which is moving relative to the other. The flow is driven by virtue of viscous drag force acting on the fluid and the… … Wikipedia
Planetary boundary layer — Depiction of where the planetary boundary layer lies on a sunny day The planetary boundary layer (PBL), also known as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), is the lowest part of the atmosphere and its behavior is directly influenced by its… … Wikipedia