- conoscope
коноскоп (прибор для определения положения оси кварцевого кристалла)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
conoscope — conoscopic /koh neuh skop ik, kon euh /, adj. /koh neuh skohp , kon euh /, n. Optics. a polarizing microscope for giving interference figures and for determining the principal axis of a crystal. [ < Gk kôno(s) CONE + SCOPE] * * * … Universalium
conoscope — co·no·scope … English syllables
conoscope — … Useful english dictionary
Conoscopy — (from Ancient Greek κῶνος (konos) cone, spinning top, pine cone and σκοπέω (skopeo) examine, inspect, look to or into, consider ) is an optical technique to make observations of a transparent specimen in a cone of converging rays of light. The… … Wikipedia
International School of Gemology — The International School of Gemology (ISG), founded in 2004 by Robert James FGA, GG, started as an Allied Gem Tutorial centre for the Gemmological Association of Great Britain. The relatively new organization holds membership in the AGTA,… … Wikipedia
conoscop — conoscóp s. n., pl. conoscoápe Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic CONOSCÓP s.n. (fiz.) Aparat folosit în conoscopie. [< fr. conoscope]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.01.2005. Sursa: DN CONOSCÓP s … Dicționar Român
Homeotropic alignment — In liquid crystals, homeotropic alignment is one of the ways of alignment of liquid crystalline molecules. Homeotropic alignment is the state in which a rod like liquid crystalline molecule aligns perpendicularly to the substrate. In the… … Wikipedia
κωνοσκόπιο — το (κρυσταλλ.) ειδικό πολωτικό όργανο που χρησιμοποιείται για τη μέτρηση τής γωνίας τών οπτικών αξόνων και την παρατήρηση μορφών συμβολής και συγγενών φαινομένων σε κατάλληλα επιλεγμένα κρυσταλλικά επίπεδα. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Αντιδάνεια λ., πρβλ. αγγλ.… … Dictionary of Greek
interference figure — noun : a figure observed with a conoscope when a section of a doubly refracting crystal is in the path traversed by convergent plane polarized light (as when a centered black cross is superimposed over a black spot at the center of a series of… … Useful english dictionary
con- — prefix assim. form of com before c, d, f, g, j, n, q, s, t, v, and sometimes before vowels. * * * I. see com II. combining form or cono Etymology: Greek kōn , kōno , from kōnos more at hone : cone … Useful english dictionary
conoscopic — adjective see conoscope … Useful english dictionary