- conical seat
конический вкладыш
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
conical seat — A circular, tapered place that something rests. For instance, a spark plug may fit into a tapered hole … Dictionary of automotive terms
seat — [1] A surface upon which another part rests or seats. Example: valve seat is matched surface upon which valve face rests. [2] Minor wearing of the piston ring surface during initial use. Rings then fit or seat properly against the cylinder wall.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
taper seat — [1] A conical seat that provides positive centering of a wheel bolt head in the wheel. The opposite of radius seat. [2] A seal without a gasket achieved by mating the conical surface of the spark plug shell and the cylinder head … Dictionary of automotive terms
Valve seat — The valve seat in an internal combustion gasoline or diesel engine is the surface against which an intake or an exhaust valve rests during the portion of the engine operating cycle when that valve is closed. The valve seat is a critical component … Wikipedia
valve — valveless, adj. valvelike, adj. /valv/, n., v., valved, valving. n. 1. any device for halting or controlling the flow of a liquid, gas, or other material through a passage, pipe, inlet, outlet, etc. 2. a hinged lid or other movable part that… … Universalium
needle valve — Mach. a valve with a needlelike part, a fine adjustment, or a small opening, esp. a valve in which the opening is controlled by a needlelike or conical point that fits into a conical seat. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
needle valve — /ˈnidl vælv/ (say needl valv) noun a valve with a needle like part, a fine adjustment, or a small opening, especially a valve in which the opening is controlled by a needle like or conical point which fits into a conical seat …
Wheel sizing — The wheel size for a motor vehicle or similar wheel has a number of parameters. Contents 1 Bolt pattern 2 Bolt circle 2.1 Determining the bolt circle 3 Lug n … Wikipedia
needlevalve — needle valve n. A valve having a slender point fitting into a conical seat, used to regulate accurately the flow of a liquid or gas. * * * … Universalium
конический вкладыш — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN conical seat … Справочник технического переводчика
cone valve — noun : a valve with a conical seat … Useful english dictionary