confocal paraboloidal coordinates

confocal paraboloidal coordinates
параболоидальные координаты

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "confocal paraboloidal coordinates" в других словарях:

  • Paraboloidal coordinates — are a three dimensional orthogonal coordinate system (λ,μ,ν) that generalizes the two dimensional parabolic coordinate system. Similar to the related ellipsoidal coordinates, the paraboloidal coordinate system has orthogonal quadratic coordinate… …   Wikipedia

  • Ellipsoidal coordinates — are a three dimensional orthogonal coordinate system (λ,μ,ν) that generalizes the two dimensional elliptic coordinate system. Unlike most three dimensional orthogonal coordinate systems that feature quadratic coordinate surfaces, the ellipsoidal… …   Wikipedia

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