- confinement [confining] field
удерживающее (плазму) поле
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Color confinement — The color force favors confinement because at a certain range it is more energetically favorable to create a quark antiquark pair than to continue to elongate the color flux tube. This is analoguous to the behavior of an elongated rubber band … Wikipedia
удерживающее плазму поле — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN confinement [confining] field … Справочник технического переводчика
Nuclear fusion — Nuclear physics Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Classical dec … Wikipedia
RFQ Beam Coolers — RFQ stands for Radio Frequency Quadrupole (also known as a Quadrupole mass analyzer when used as a mass filter), an instrument that is used in mass spectrometry. The RFQ was invented by Prof. Wolfgang Paul in the late 50 s / early 60 s at the… … Wikipedia
Tokamak — A tokamak is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices, and it is one of the most researched candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power.… … Wikipedia
California Proposition 2 (2008) — Proposition 2, the proposed Standards for Confining Farm Animals initiative statute, is a California ballot proposition in that state s general election on November 42008. The proposition would add a chapter to Division 20 of the California… … Wikipedia
't Hooft operator — In theoretical physics, a t Hooft operator, introduced by Gerard t Hooft in the 1978 paper On the phase transition towards permanent quark confinement is a dual version of the Wilson loop in which the electromagnetic potential A is replaced by… … Wikipedia
Slot-waveguide — A slot waveguide is an optical waveguide that guides strongly confined light in a subwavelength scale low refractive index region by total internal reflection.A slot waveguide consists of two strips or slabs of high refractive index (nH)… … Wikipedia
fusion reactor — Physics. a reactor for producing atomic energy by nuclear fusion. Cf. reactor (def. 4). * * * Introduction also called fusion power plant or thermonuclear reactor a device to produce electrical power from the energy released in a nuclear… … Universalium
Quantum chromodynamics — Standard model of particle physics Standard Model … Wikipedia
Factory farming — A commercial chicken house raising broiler pullets for meat … Wikipedia