
1) агент, средство, вещество; добавка; присадка
2) реагент, реактив; реагирующая среда
3) агент, представитель
accelerating agent
acidating agent
acid-binding agent
acid-condensing agent
activating agent
addition agent
adhesion agent
aerating agent
amphoteric surface active agent
anionic surface active agent
anionic-activc agent
anionic agent
antiaging agent
antiblocking agent
antiblock agent
antichecking agent
anticoagulating agent
anticrackle agent
anticreasing agent
antidandruff agent
antifatigue agent
antifoaming agent
antifoam agent
antifogging agent
antifog agent
antifouling agent
antifreezing agent
antigelation agent
antiknock agent
antilivering agent
antirust agent
antisag agent
antiscale agent
antisettling agent
antiskinning agent
antistatic agent
antistick agent
antitack agent
antitarnishing agent
antitarnish agent
authorized agent
bentonite-gelling agent
bifunctional agent
binding agent
blasting agent
bleaching agent
blending agent
blowing agent
bodying agent
boiling agent
bonding agent
bridging agent
brightening agent
bulking agent
burning agent
catalytic agent
cation-active agent
cation agent
cationic surface active agent
cellulating agent
cementing agent
chain-terminating agent
chain-transfer agent
chaotropic agent
chelating agent
chemical addition agent
chemical agent
chemical reducing agent
cleaning agent
cleansing agent
clearing agent
coagulating agent
coating agent
coloring agent
complexing agent
conditioning agent
conserving agent
cooling agent
corrosive agent
coupling agent
creaming agent
cross-linking agent
crystal-nucleating agent
curative agent
curing agent
cytostatic agent
decolorizing agent
decontamination agent
deemulsifying agent
deflocculating agent
defoaming agent
degreasing agent
degumming agent
dehydrating agent
demulsifying agent
dense blasting agent
deoxidizing agent
depilating agent
desulfurizing agent
developing agent
dispersing agent
doping agent
drilling agent
drying agent
eluting agent
emulsifying agent
etching agent
expanding agent
filling agent
fining agent
finishing agent
fire extinguishing agent
fire retardant agent
firing agent
fixing agent
flatting agent
flavoring agent
flocculating agent
flotation agent
flow agent
fluid loss reducing agent
fluidizing agent
fluxing agent
foaming agent
fogging agent
frothing agent
fumigating agent
fusing agent
gaseous agent
gasifying agent
gelatinizing agent
gelling agent
glossing agent
grouting agent
handling agent
hardening agent
heat-carrying agent
impregnating agent
ionizing agent
isomerizing agent
laminating agent
leaching agent
leavening agent
leveling agent
light-sensitizing agent
lubricating agent
maintenance addition agent
matting agent
maturing agent
miscible agent
misting agent
modifying agent
mold-parting agent
mud-cleanout agent
mud-flush agent
nonionic surface active agent
oil wetting agent
oil-dispersing agent
oiling agent
optical bleaching agent
optical brightening agent
oxidizing agent
parting agent
passenger sales agent
penetrating agent
peptizing agent
pickling agent
plasticizing agent
plugging agent
polishing agent
pollution agent
pore agent
precipitating agent
proknocking agent
proknock agent
promoting agent
propping agent
protective agent
quenching agent
reclaiming agent
redox agent
reducing agent
refining agent
reinforcing agent
release agent
retarding agent
rimming agent
salting-out agent
seeding agent
sensitizing agent
shortening agent
short-stopping agent
silane coupling agent
sizing agent
slurry blasting agent
softening agent
solvent refining agent
stabilizing agent
sterilizing agent
stimulating agent
stopping agent
stripping agent
structure-forming agent
sunscreen agent
surface active agent
suspending agent
tanning agent
texturizing agent
thickening agent
thinning agent
toxic agent
tracer agent
washing agent
water shutoff agent
water-adsorbing agent
waterproofing agent
water-reducing agent
water-repellent agent
water-thickening agent
wax-modifying agent
wear prevention agent
wedding agent
wedging agent
weighting agent
wetting agent

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат


Смотреть что такое "agent" в других словарях:

  • agent — n 1: someone or something that acts or exerts power: a moving force in achieving some result 2: a person guided or instigated by another in some action where the heads of departments are the political...agent s of the executive, merely to execute …   Law dictionary

  • Agent Z — is a fictitious character in a series of comical children’s books written by British author Mark Haddon. There are four books in the Agent Z series, which are set in the present day in an un named British city: [The exact town in which the… …   Wikipedia

  • agent — AGÉNT, Ă, agenţi, te, s.m. şi f. 1. s.m. şi f. Reprezentant (oficial) al unei instituţii, al unei organizaţii, al unui stat etc., care îndeplineşte anumite însărcinări. Agent diplomatic. Agent de transmisiuni. Agent provocator. Agent secret. 2. s …   Dicționar Român

  • Agent 0 —  Cet article concerne la saga MP3 du nom. Pour le super héros, voir Agent Zéro. L’Agent 0 est une saga mp3 crée par Flo entre 2006 et 2009 et diffusée gratuitement sur Internet. 30 épisodes racontent l histoire d un agent secret semi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Agent K — (also known as K, Kay, and Kevin Brown) is a fictional Men in Black agent in the films Men in Black and Men in Black II and in the . Agent K is portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones in the two films and is voiced by Ed O Ross, and later Gregg Berger in… …   Wikipedia

  • Agent X — may refer to:*Agent X (Marvel Comics), a fictional mercenary whose adventures have been published by Marvel Comics *Agent X (Jim Burley), another fictional mercenary owned by Marvel Comics * Agent X (1986 video game), a 1986 video game released… …   Wikipedia

  • Agent X9 — Agent Secret X 9 Agent Secret X9 est un comic strip créé par Dashiell Hammett (Le Faucon Maltais) et le dessinateur Alex Raymond (Flash Gordon), publié par King Features du 22 janvier 1934 au 10 février 1996. X 9 est à l origine un agent sans nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • agent — àgent m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA 1. predstavnik ili zastupnik kakve tvrtke ili zavoda [agent osiguravajućeg društva] 2. samostalni posrednik u nekim poslovima, ob. trgovačkim, uvozno izvoznim, transportnim [pomorski agent] 3. osoba koja tajno …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • agent — agent; agent·ing; agent·ry; co·agent; coun·ter·agent; in·ter·agent; re·agent; sub·agent; agent·ive; …   English syllables

  • agent — AGENT. s. m. Terme dont on se sert en Philosophie pour exprimer Tout ce qui agit, tout ce qui opère. Agent naturel. Agent surnaturel. Le feu est le plus puissant de tous les agensnaturels. f♛/b] Il se dit par opposition à Patient. Ainsi on dit, L …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • agent — Agent. s. m. Qui agit, qui opere. Agent naturel. le feu est le plus puissant des agents. l agent & le patient. Il se dit aussi, De celuy qui fait les affaires d un Prince, d une Communauté. Agent du Clergé. Agent d un tel Prince. Agent à Gennes,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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