compressed air (energy )storage

compressed air (energy )storage
1) аккумулирование энергии путём закачки сжатого воздуха
2) пневмоаккумулирующая энергетическая установка; накопитель энергии на сжатом воздухе

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "compressed air (energy )storage" в других словарях:

  • Compressed-air energy storage — (CAES) refers to the compression of airto be used later as energy source. At utility scale, it can be stored during periods of low energy demand (off peak), for use in meeting periods of higher demand (peak load). Alternatively it can be used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed air energy storage — Conceptual representation of the compressed air energy storage concept. Off peak (low cost) electrical power compresses air into an underground air storage “vessel” (the Norton mine), and later the air feeds a gas fired turbine generator complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed Air Energy Storage — Druckluftspeicherkraftwerke oder (genauer) Druckluftspeicher Gasturbinen Kraftwerke werden auch kurz Luftspeicher Kraftwerke oder nach der englischen Bezeichnung Compressed Air Energy Storage, abgekürzt CAES Kraftwerke, genannt. Weltweit werden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Energy storage — is the storing of some form of energy that can be drawn upon at a later time to perform some useful operation. A device that stores energy is sometimes called an accumulator. All forms of energy are either potential energy (eg. chemical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed air — is air which is kept under a certain pressure, usually greater than that of the atmosphere. In Europe, 10 percent of all electricity used by industry is used to produce compressed air, amounting to 80 terawatt hours consumption per year.[1][2]… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed air car — Tata/MDI OneCAT A compressed air car is a car that uses a motor powered by compressed air. The car can be powered solely by air, or combined (as in a hybrid electric vehicle) with gasoline, diesel, ethanol, or an electric plant with regenerative… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed-air vehicle — The Victor Tatin airplane of 1879 used a compressed air engine for propulsion. Original craft, at Musée de l Air et de l Espace …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed-air car — A Compressed air car is an alternative fuel car that uses a motor powered by compressed air. The car can be powered solely by air, or combined (as in a hybrid electric vehicle) with gasoline/diesel/ethanol or electric plant and regenerative… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed-air engine — A Compressed air engine is a Pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by expanding compressed air. They have existed in many forms over the past two centuries, ranging in size from handheld turbines up to several hundred horsepower. Some types …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed Air Storage —   The storage of compressed air in a container for use to operate a prime mover for electricity generation …   Energy terms

  • Flywheel energy storage — NASA G2 flywheel Flywheel energy storage (FES) works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotational energy. When energy is extracted from the system, the flywheel s rotational speed… …   Wikipedia

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