complex robot

complex robot
комбинированный [локомоционно-манипуляционный\] робот

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "complex robot" в других словарях:

  • Robot software — is the coded commands that tell a mechanical device (known as a robot) what tasks to perform and control its actions. Robot software is used to perform tasks and automate tasks to be performed. Programming robots is a non trivial task. Many… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot Odyssey — Developer(s) Mike Wallace, Dr. Leslie Grimm Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • robot — ► NOUN ▪ a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. DERIVATIVES robotize (also robotise) verb. ORIGIN from Czech robota forced labour ; the term was coined in K. apek s… …   English terms dictionary

  • Robot — This article is about mechanical robots. For other uses of the term, see robot (disambiguation). For software agents, see Bot. ASIMO (2000) at the Expo 2005, a humanoid robot …   Wikipedia

  • robot — robotism, n. robotic, robotistic /roh beuh tis tik, bo /, adj. robotlike, adj. /roh beuht, bot/, n. 1. a machine that resembles a human and does mechanical, routine tasks on command. 2. a person who acts and responds in a mechanical, routine… …   Universalium

  • Robot combat — Not to be confused with Military robots. A spinner type robot attacks Robot combat is a hobby/sport in which two or more custom built machines use varied methods of destroying or disabling the other. As of today, in most cases these machines are… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot competition — A robotic competition is an event where robots have to accomplish a given task. Usually they have to beat other robots in order to become the best one. Most competitions are for schools but as time goes by, several professional competitions are… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot (Doctor Who) — 075 – Robot Doctor Who serial The K1 Robot prepares to take Sarah captive Cast …   Wikipedia

  • Robot-assisted heart surgery — Minimally invasive robot assisted heart surgery (cardiac surgery) is a procedure that allows heart surgery to be performed through tiny incisions in the patient’s chest. Traditional “open” surgery requires that surgeons make incisions large… …   Wikipedia

  • robot — noun Etymology: Czech, from robota compulsory labor; akin to Old High German arabeit trouble, Latin orbus orphaned more at orphan Date: 1923 1. a. a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking)… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • robot — [ rəʊbɒt] noun 1》 a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. 2》 another term for crawler (in sense 2). 3》 S. African a set of automatic traffic lights. Derivatives… …   English new terms dictionary

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