- companded PCM
компандированная ИКМ
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex — NICAM steht für Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex (fast unmittelbar komprimierter Ton Multiplex) und beschreibt die digitale Übertragung zweier Tonkanäle beim analogen TV. Das Verfahren ist als ETS EN 300 163[1] spezifiziert. Der Ton… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Delta modulation — Principle of the delta PWM. The output signal (blue) is compared with the limits (green). These limits correspond to the reference signal (red), offset by a given value. Every time the output signal reaches one of the limits, the PWM signal… … Wikipedia
SIGSALY — exhibit at the National Cryptologic Museum In cryptography, SIGSALY (also known as the X System, Project X, Ciphony I, and the Green Hornet) was a secure speech system used in World War II for the highest level Allied communications. It pioneered … Wikipedia
NICAM — This article is about a compression form for digital audio. For the media content rating institute, see Netherlands Institute for the Classification of Audiovisual Media. NICAM stands for Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex. It is an… … Wikipedia
Dbx Model 700 Digital Audio Processor — The dbx Model 700 Digital Audio Processor was a professional audio ADC/DAC combination unit, which digitized a stereo analog audio input into a bitstream, which was then encoded and encapsulated in an analog composite video signal, for recording… … Wikipedia
dbx Model 700 Digital Audio Processor — The dbx Model 700 Digital Audio Processor was a professional audio ADC/DAC combination unit, which digitized a stereo analog audio input into a bitstream, which was then encoded and encapsulated in an analog composite video signal, for recording… … Wikipedia
Sound-in-Syncs — is a method of multiplexing sound and video signals into a channel designed to carry video, in which data representing the sound is inserted into the line synchronising pulse of an analogue TV waveform. This is used on point to point links within … Wikipedia
Стандартизованные аббревиатуры типов модуляции — Кодовое обозначение рус. Тип модуляции сигнала англ. Type of signal modulation QPSK квадратурная фазовая манипуляция quadrature phase shift keying ADM адаптивная дельта модуляция adaptive delta modulation ADPCM адаптивная дифференциальная… … Википедия
576i — is a standard definition video mode used in (former) PAL and SECAM countries. In digital applications it is usually referred to as 576i , in analogue contexts it is often quoted as 625 lines .[1] Its NTSC counterpart is 480i; these are the two… … Wikipedia
NICAM — steht für Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex (fast unmittelbar komprimierter Ton Multiplex) und beschreibt die digitale Übertragung zweier Tonkanäle beim analogen TV. Das Verfahren ist als ETS EN 300 163[1] spezifiziert. Der Ton wird… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nicam Stereo — NICAM steht für Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex (fast unmittelbar komprimierter Ton Multiplex) und beschreibt die digitale Übertragung zweier Tonkanäle beim analogen TV. Das Verfahren ist als ETS EN 300 163[1] spezifiziert. Der Ton… … Deutsch Wikipedia