compacted refuse

compacted refuse
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "compacted refuse" в других словарях:

  • refuse disposal system —  technique for the collection and disposal of the solid wastes of a community. The development and operation of these systems is often called solid waste management.       A brief treatment of refuse disposal systems follows. For further… …   Universalium

  • environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction       infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations …   Universalium

  • Garbage truck — Not to be confused with Dump truck. Scania front loader Garbage truck refers to a truck specially designed to collect small quantities of waste and haul the collected waste to a solid waste treatment facility. Other common names for this type of… …   Wikipedia

  • agricultural technology — Introduction       application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation       Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… …   Universalium

  • Revopak — The Revopak is a type of waste collection vehicle manufactured by the British company Shelvoke and Drewry.Introduced in 1971, the Revopak was in fact a British built clone of a French Bennes Ray Superpac. It was among one of the first vehicles to …   Wikipedia

  • Waste management in Hong Kong — In the densely populated city of Hong Kong, waste is a troublesome issue. The city generates around 6.4 million tons of waste each year, and in eight years time, its existing landfills are expected to be full. The government has introduced waste… …   Wikipedia

  • sanitary landfill — landfill. [1965 70] * * *       method of controlled disposal of refuse on land. The method was introduced in England in 1912 (where it is called controlled tipping) and involves natural fermentation brought about by microorganisms. Usually the… …   Universalium

  • Infallibility — • In general, exemption or immunity from liability to error or failure; in particular in theological usage, the supernatural prerogative by which the Church of Christ is, by a special Divine assistance, preserved from liability to error in her… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Waste management — is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.… …   Wikipedia

  • Waste collection vehicle — A waste collection vehicle (WCV), or colloquially called a Garbage Truck , Dustcart or Dustbin lorry is a truck specially designed to pick up smaller quantities of waste and haul it to landfills and other recycling or treatment facilities. They… …   Wikipedia

  • Ngomongo Villages — is a well known sustainable eco cultural tourist village located in Mombasa, Kenya. Once a sun baked, arid, barren and rocky base of a former limestone mine, the floor of this quarry was barely five feet above the slightly salty water table. Dr.… …   Wikipedia

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