
2) передача; система передачи
3) обмен информацией
4) взаимодействие, общение
to contact (to establish) communication — устанавливать связь
adaptive communication
air communication
air distress communication
air safety communication
air-to-air communication
air-to-ground communication
amateur radio communication
amateur communication
analog communication
antijam communication
asynchronous communication
bandlimited communication
base-to-mobile communication
batch communication
beam communication
beyond-the-horizon communication
buffered communication
cable communication
car-to-car communication
computer communication
conference communication
data communication
digital communications
digital communication
direct communication
disaster communication
diversity communication
domestic communication
duplex communication
emergency communication
en-route communication
facsimile communication
feedback communication
fiber-optics communications
fiber-optics communication
frequency-hop communication
full duplex communication
ground-to-air communication
guideway-transportation communication
half-duplex communication
harmonic communication
high-frequency communication
highway communication
host communication
infrared communication
intercomputer communication
interplanetary communication
interprocess communication
interprocessor communication
interstation communication
intertask communication
ionoscatter communication
jam-resistant communication
laser-beam communication
laser communication
light communication
line-of-sight communication
long-haul communication
man-computer communication
marine-vehicle communication
marine communication
message switched communication
meteor-burst communication
microwave communication
mobile communication
multichannel communication
multiple-access communication
one-way communication
optical communication
optical-fiber communications
optical-fiber communication
oral communication
packet switched communication
party-line communication
point-to-point communication
polling communication
power line communication
queued communication
radio communication
radio-link communication
railway communication
rail communication
safety communication
satellite communication
secure communication
shortwave communication
simplex communication
single-sideband communication
sky-wave communication
slave-master communication
space communication
speech communication
synchronous communication
task-to-task communication
telegraphic communication
telegraph communication
telephone communication
television communication
train-to-train radio communication
train-to-train communication
transhorizon communication
troposcatter communication
trunk communication
two-way alternate communication
two-way communication
underground communication
underwater-vehicle communication
visual communication
voice communication
waveguide communication
wire communication
wire-free communication
written communication

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "communication(s)" в других словарях:

  • COMMUNICATION — AVANT d’être caractérisée par son histoire, qui va s’accélérant à la fois dans le monde humain et dans la conception que l’homme se fait du monde humain et non humain, c’est par sa nature que la communication est caractérisée. Elle désigne… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • communication — com‧mu‧ni‧ca‧tion [kəˌmjuːnˈkeɪʆn] noun 1. [uncountable] the process of exchanging information or ideas: • Because some editors work in San Francisco and others in London, there is a greater need for communication in the decision making process …   Financial and business terms

  • communication — COMMUNICATION. s. f. Action de communiquer, ou l effet de cette action. Communication de biens. Communication de maux. f♛/b] On dit, Donner communication d une affaire à quelqu un, pour dire, Lui faire part de ce qui concerne cette affaire; et de …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • communication — com·mu·ni·ca·tion /kə ˌmyü nə kā shən/ n: the expression to another of information or thoughts through speech, writing, or gestures see also confidential communication, privileged communication Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • communication — Communication. s. f. v. La participation que l on donne de quelque chose. Communication de biens. communication de maux. je luy ay donné communication de cette affaire. il en a eu communication. Il signifie aussi, Commerce, familiarité, &… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Communication!!! — Studio album by Leah Dizon Released August 20, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • Communication — Com*mu ni*ca tion (k[o^]m*m[=u] n[i^]*k[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [L. communicatio.] 1. The act or fact of communicating; as, communication of smallpox; communication of a secret. [1913 Webster] 2. Intercourse by words, letters, or messages; interchange… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • communication — Communication, Communicatio, Participatio, Commercium. Faire communication de la découverte qu aucun a fait de ses complices et compagnons en quelque malice, Indicium edere. Par communication de langage, Commercio sermonis feras populorum linguas …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • communication — late 14c., from O.Fr. comunicacion (14c., Mod.Fr. communication), from L. communicationem (nom. communicatio), noun of action from communicare to share, divide out; communicate, impart, inform; join, unite, participate in, lit. to make common,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • communication — [n1] giving, exchanging information, ideas advice, advisement, announcing, articulation, assertion, communion, connection, contact, conversation, converse, correspondence, corresponding, declaration, delivery, disclosing, dissemination,… …   New thesaurus

  • Communication — (v. lat.), 1) die Verbindung zweier Dinge, z.B. einer Stube mit der anderen; daher: 2) (Bauk.), so v. w. Corridor; 3) (Kriegsw.), jede Verbindungslinie zwischen zwei strategisch wichtigen Punkten, z.B. Festungen; 4) alle Verbindungslinien, welche …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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