Смотреть что такое "commerce" в других словарях:
commerce — [ kɔmɛrs ] n. m. • commerque 1370; lat. commercium, de merx → marchand I ♦ 1 ♦ Opération, activité d achat et de revente (en l état ou après transformation) d un produit, d une valeur; par ext. Prestation de certains services. Acte, opération de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
commerce — COMMERCE. sub. masc. Trafic, négoce de marchandises, d argent, soit en gros, soit en détail. La liberté, la facilité du commerce. Établir, rétablir le commerce. Cela fait rouler le commerce. Défendre, interdire le commerce. La Paix entretient le… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
commerce — com·merce n 1: the exchange or buying and selling of goods, commodities, property, or services esp. on a large scale and involving transportation from place to place: trade (2) see also commerce clause; fair labor standards act in the important… … Law dictionary
commerce — com‧merce [ˈkɒmɜːs ǁ ˈkɑːmɜːrs] noun [uncountable] COMMERCE 1. the buying and selling of goods and services; = TRADE: • Modern computing facilities are very much in demand by industry and commerce. • a guide to English for Commerce ˌinternational … Financial and business terms
commerce — Commerce. s. m. Trafic, negoce de marchandises, d argent, soit en gros, soit en destail. La liberté, la facilité du commerce. establir, restablir le commerce. cela fait rouler le commerce. defendre, interdire le commerce. la paix entretient le… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Commerce — steht für: Commerce (Métro Paris), Station des Pariser Métrosystems Commerce (Zeitschrift) Commerce ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Commerce (Alabama) Commerce (Georgia) Commerce (Iowa) Commerce (Kalifornien) Commerce… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Commerce — Commerce, CA U.S. city in California Population (2000): 12568 Housing Units (2000): 3377 Land area (2000): 6.567812 sq. miles (17.010555 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.004868 sq. miles (0.012607 sq. km) Total area (2000): 6.572680 sq. miles… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Commerce — Ciudad de los Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
Commerce — Com merce, n. Note: (Formerly accented on the second syllable.) [F. commerce, L. commercium; com + merx, mercis, merchandise. See {Merchant}.] 1. The exchange or buying and selling of commodities; esp. the exchange of merchandise, on a large… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Commerce — Com*merce (? or ?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Commerced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Commercing}.] [Cf. F. commercer, fr. LL. commerciare.] 1. To carry on trade; to traffic. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Beware you commerce not with bankrupts. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Commerce, CA — U.S. city in California Population (2000): 12568 Housing Units (2000): 3377 Land area (2000): 6.567812 sq. miles (17.010555 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.004868 sq. miles (0.012607 sq. km) Total area (2000): 6.572680 sq. miles (17.023162 sq. km)… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places