- aft
1) мор. корма || на корме2) возд. в хвостовой части
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
aft — aft1 [aft, äft] adv. [ME afte < OE æftan (akin to Goth aftana, from behind < afta, behind, farthest back) < IE base * af , off, away] at, near, or toward the stern of a ship or the rear of an aircraft [Smith is stationed aft during all… … English World dictionary
Aft — ([.a]ft), adv. & a. [AS. [ae]ftan behind; orig. superl. of of, off. See {After}.] (Naut.) Near or towards the stern of a vessel; astern; abaft. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
AFT — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Administrador Financiero de Transantiago Obtenido de AFT … Wikipedia Español
AFT — is a three letter acronym that may refer to: * Accelerated failure time model, a statistical model used in survival analysis. * Adiabatic flame temperature * Airport Flow Tool * Ali Farka Toure * Almost Free Text * American Farmland Trust *… … Wikipedia
AFT — AFT: Abk. für ↑Antifibrinolysintest … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
aft — [a:ft US æft] adj, adv technical [: Old English; Origin: Aftan from behind, behind ] in or towards the back part of a boat or aircraft ≠ ↑fore (2) … Dictionary of contemporary English
aft — [ æft ] adjective, adverb TECHNICAL in or toward the back part of a ship or airplane … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aft — (adv.) O.E. æftan from behind, behind, farthest back, from superlative of O.E. æf, af, of away, away from, off (see OF (Cf. of)). The Germanic superlative suffix * ta corresponds to PIE * to (Cf. Gk. protos first, superlative of pro before ). Now … Etymology dictionary
AFT — (American Federation of Teachers) É‘Ëft trade union for professionals in the fields of education healthcare and public service (founded in 1916) … English contemporary dictionary
aft — *abaft, astern Analogous words: *after, behind: rear, back, *posterior, hind Antonyms: fore Contrasted words: *before, ahead, forward … New Dictionary of Synonyms
aft — /aft / (say ahft) Nautical –adverb 1. at, in, or towards the stern. –adjective 2. situated in or near the stern. {Middle English, Old English æftan from behind} …