combining site
Смотреть что такое "combining site" в других словарях:
combining site — See: antibody binding site … Glossary of Biotechnology
combining site — Any region of a molecule that binds or reacts with a given compound. Especially of the region of immunoglobulin that combines with the determinant of an appropriate antigen … Dictionary of molecular biology
combining site — antigen binding s … Medical dictionary
Site diversity — is a technique to limit the effect of rain fade in satellite communications, mainly in the Ka band. The downlink transmissions ofsatellites cover very large areas, that will have different weather. The sitediversity technique consists of linking… … Wikipedia
site — A place or location or locus. SYN: situs. [L. situs] acceptor s. the ribosomal binding s. for the aminoacyl tRNA during protein synthesis. acceptor splicing s. SYN: right splicing junction. active s. that portion of an … Medical dictionary
antigen-binding site — antigen combining site the region of the immunoglobulin molecule that binds to antigens; there is one such site on each of the two Fab regions of each immunoglobulin monomer … Medical dictionary
Diversity combining — is the technique applied to combine the multiple received signals of a diversity reception device into a single improved signal. Contents 1 Various techniques 2 Switched combining two way radio example 2.1 How signals are evaluated … Wikipedia
World Heritage Site — Logo of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee … Wikipedia
immune system — Anat. a diffuse, complex network of interacting cells, cell products, and cell forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens and other foreign substances, destroys infected and malignant cells, and removes cellular debris: the system… … Universalium
immunological network — The concept due to Jerne that the entire specific immune system within an animal is made up of a series of interacting molecules and cell surface receptors, based on the idea that every antibody combining site carries its own marker antigens or… … Dictionary of molecular biology
antibody — /an ti bod ee/, n., pl. antibodies. 1. any of numerous Y shaped protein molecules produced by B cells as a primary immune defense, each molecule and its clones having a unique binding site that can combine with the complementary site of a foreign … Universalium