combination shot

combination shot
1) комбинированная съёмка
2) комбинированный кадр
3) комбинированный фотоснимок

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "combination shot" в других словарях:

  • combination shot — noun 1. : a pool shot in which a ball is pocketed by causing another object ball to strike it 2. : an English billiards shot in which a player scores in two ways (as by cannoning and pocketing the red ball) * * * a shot in pool in which the cue… …   Useful english dictionary

  • combination shot — combina′tion shot n. gam a shot in pool in which at least one object ball pockets another • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • combination shot — noun Date: circa 1909 a shot in pool in which a ball is pocketed by an object ball …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • combination shot — a shot in pool in which the cue ball strikes at least one object ball before contact is made with the ball to be pocketed. [1905 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • combination — [käm΄bə nā′shən] n. [ME combinacioun < LL combinatio, a joining two by two] 1. a combining or being combined 2. a thing formed by combining 3. an association of persons, firms, political parties, etc. for a common purpose 4. a) the series of… …   English World dictionary

  • Shot transition detection — (or simply Shot detection) is a field of research of video processing. Its subject is the automated detection of transitions between shots in digital video with the purpose of temporal segmentation of videos. Contents 1 Use 2 Basic technical… …   Wikipedia

  • Combination Game — The Combination Game was a style of association football based around team work and cooperation. It would gradually favour the passing of the ball between players over individual dribbling skills which had been a notable feature of early… …   Wikipedia

  • Combination gun — A picture showing typical combination gun (top), drilling (middle, common drilling upper left), and vierling (bottom) barrel layouts A combination gun is a break action hunting firearm that comprises at least two barrels, a rifle barrel and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Shot (ice hockey) — A shot in ice hockey is an attempt by a player to score a goal by striking the puck with their stick in the direction of the net. There are four basic types of shots in ice hockey:*The shovel shot is the simplest most basic shot in a shooter s… …   Wikipedia

  • shot — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. propelled, struck (see propulsion); interspersed, interwoven. n. bullet, ball, pellet; discharge, stroke, attempt; slang, injection, inoculation, hypodermic, hypo. See arms, remedy. II (Roget s IV)… …   English dictionary for students

  • Hot Shot (Transformers) — Hot Shot is the name of several characters in the various Transformers universes] . Transformers: Robots in DisguiseTransformers character name =Hot Shot japanname =Artfire caption = affiliation =Autobot subgroup =Spy Changer rank =8 function… …   Wikipedia

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