column shaft

column shaft
стержень колонны

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "column shaft" в других словарях:

  • column — n. series of articles 1) a syndicated column (in a newspaper) vertical division of a page 2) advertising (esp. BE) columns; correspondence (esp. BE) columns; a personal; society; sports column list of numbers 3) to add up a column shaft 4) a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Shaft — Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shaft alley — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shaft furnace — Shaft Shaft, n. [OE. shaft, schaft, AS. sceaft; akin to D. schacht, OHG. scaft, G. schaft, Dan. & Sw. skaft handle, haft, Icel. skapt, and probably to L. scapus, Gr. ????, ????, a staff. Probably originally, a shaven or smoothed rod. Cf. {Scape} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shaft — [shaft, shäft] n. [ME schaft < OE sceaft, akin to Ger schaft < IE base * (s)kap , to cut with a sharp tool > SHAVE, Gr skapos, rod, L scapus, shaft, stalk] 1. a) the long stem or body of an arrow or spear b) an arrow or spear 2. a… …   English World dictionary

  • shaft´like´ — shaft «shaft, shahft», noun, verb. –n. 1. a bar to support parts of a machine that turn, or to help move parts such as gears or pulleys, or to transmit power from one part of a machine to another, such as the drive shaft of an automobile. 2. a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Column — Col umn, n. [L. columna, fr. columen, culmen, fr. cellere (used only in comp.), akin to E. excel, and prob. to holm. See {Holm}, and cf. {Colonel}.] 1. (Arch.) A kind of pillar; a cylindrical or polygonal support for a roof, ceiling, statue, etc …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Column rule — Column Col umn, n. [L. columna, fr. columen, culmen, fr. cellere (used only in comp.), akin to E. excel, and prob. to holm. See {Holm}, and cf. {Colonel}.] 1. (Arch.) A kind of pillar; a cylindrical or polygonal support for a roof, ceiling,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Column — • Architectural term for a supporting pillar Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Column     Column     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • column — [käl′əm] n. [ME & OFr colomne < L columna, collateral form of columen, column, pillar < IE base * kel , to project > HILL, HOLM1, Gr kolophōn] 1. a slender upright structure, generally consisting of a cylindrical shaft, a base, and a… …   English World dictionary

  • column — [n1] line, procession cavalcade, company, file, list, platoon, queue, rank, row, string, train; concepts 432,727 column [n2] pillar brace, buttress, caryatid, colonnade, cylinder, mast, minaret, monolith, monument, obelisk, pedestal, peristyle,… …   New thesaurus

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