- Cologne water
одеколон; туалетная вода
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
cologne water — Cologne Co*logne , n. [Originally made in Cologne, the French name of K[ o]ln, a city in Germany.] A perfumed liquid, composed of alcohol and certain aromatic oils, used in the toilet; called also {cologne water} and {eau de cologne}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cologne water — noun a perfumed liquid made of essential oils and alcohol • Syn: ↑cologne, ↑eau de cologne • Hypernyms: ↑perfume, ↑essence * * * noun see cologne II, 1 … Useful english dictionary
cologne-water — n. See cologne … New dictionary of synonyms
cologne water — perfume, eau de toilette … English contemporary dictionary
cologne — brown (vandyke brown); cologne spirits (highly concentrated ethyl alcohol); cologneware (mottled brown and gray stoneware); cologne water (eau de cologne, toilet water); cologne yellow (chrome yellow and lead sulfate pigment) … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
cologne — 1814, Cologne water, loan translation of Fr. eau de Cologne, lit. water from Cologne, from the city in Germany (Ger. Köln, from L. Colonia Agrippina) where it was made, first by Italian chemist Johann Maria Farina, who had settled there in 1709 … Etymology dictionary
Cologne — Co*logne , n. [Originally made in Cologne, the French name of K[ o]ln, a city in Germany.] A perfumed liquid, composed of alcohol and certain aromatic oils, used in the toilet; called also {cologne water} and {eau de cologne}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cologne — cologned, adj. /keuh lohn /, n. a mildly perfumed toilet water; eau de Cologne. Also called Cologne water. [short for Cologne water, made in COLOGNE since 1709] * * * German Köln City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 967,900; metro. area, 1,823,500),… … Universalium
cologne — co•logne [[t]kəˈloʊn[/t]] n. a mildly perfumed toilet water; eau de Cologne. Also called Cologne′ wa ter • Etymology: 1810–15; short for Cologne water, made in Cologne since 1709 co•logned′, adj … From formal English to slang
cologne — /kəˈloʊn / (say kuh lohn) noun a perfumed toilet water; eau de Cologne. Also, Cologne, Cologne water. {made at Cologne} …
Cologne — n. (in full cologne water) eau de Cologne or a similar scented toilet water. Etymology: abbr … Useful english dictionary