colloidal rocket

colloidal rocket
коллоидный (электростатический) ракетный двигатель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "colloidal rocket" в других словарях:

  • Ceramic engineering — Simulation of the outside of the Space Shuttle as it heats up to over 1,500 °C (2,730 °F) during re entry into the Earth s atmosphere Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non metallic… …   Wikipedia

  • probability theory — Math., Statistics. the theory of analyzing and making statements concerning the probability of the occurrence of uncertain events. Cf. probability (def. 4). [1830 40] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with analysis of random events.… …   Universalium

  • Quantum dot — Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes …   Wikipedia

  • Nanomaterials — Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes …   Wikipedia

  • Monopropellant — Monopropellants[1] are propellants composed of chemicals or mixtures of chemicals which can be stored in a single container with some degree of safety. While stable under defined storage conditions, they react very rapidly under certain other… …   Wikipedia

  • Propulsion nucleaire thermique — Propulsion nucléaire thermique La propulsion nucléaire thermique ou nucléo thermique est un mode de propulsion des fusées qui utilise un réacteur nucléaire pour chauffer un fluide propulsif. Celui ci, comme dans le cas d un moteur fusée classique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Propulsion nucléaire thermique — La propulsion nucléaire thermique ou nucléo thermique est un mode de propulsion des fusées qui utilise un réacteur nucléaire pour chauffer un fluide propulsif. Celui ci, comme dans le cas d un moteur fusée classique, est expulsé via une tuyère… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Quantum dot display — A quantum dot display is a type of display technology used in flat panel displays as an electronic visual display. Quantum dots (QD) or semiconductor nanocrystals are a form of light emitting technology and consist of nano scale crystals that can …   Wikipedia

  • Cordite — Not to be confused with Cordaites, the extinct tree. A stick of cordite from World War II …   Wikipedia

  • Bentonite — is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate generally impure clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. There are a few types of bentonites and their names depend on the dominant elements, such as K, Na, Ca, and Al. As noted in several places in the …   Wikipedia

  • tungsten processing — Introduction       preparation of the ore for use in various products.       Tungsten exhibits a body centred cubic (bcc) crystal lattice. It has the highest melting point of all metals, 3,410° C (6,170° F), and it has high conductivity for… …   Universalium

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