cold (spark )plug

cold (spark )plug
"холодная" свеча зажигания (свеча зажигания с большим калильным числом)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cold (spark )plug" в других словарях:

  • cold spark plug — See cold plug …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • spark plug — A device containing two electrodes across which electricity jumps to produce a spark to fire the fuel charge. The center electrode is insulated from the spark plug shell by means of a molded insulator resembling porcelain. The side electrode… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Spark plug — A spark plug (also, very rarely nowadays, in British English: a sparking plug) is an electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of some internal combustion engines and ignites compressed aerosol gasoline by means of an electric spark.… …   Wikipedia

  • plug — A removable cork or stopper which fills a hole. See blanking plug coil glow plug cold plug core hole plug core plugs drain plug drain plug key drain plug spanner drain plug wrench …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Spark-gap transmitter — A spark gap transmitter is a device for generating radio frequency electromagnetic waves. These devices served as the transmitters for most wireless telegraphy systems for the first three decades of radio (1887 ndash;1916) and the first… …   Wikipedia

  • cold plug — A spark plug which has a short insulator nose which absorbs less heat and dissipates heat quickly. A colder plug is used in a hot engine while a hot plug is used in a cold engine. Thus if the plugs are fouling too much, try a hotter plug. If the… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • plug — [[t]plʌ̱g[/t]] plugs, plugging, plugged 1) N COUNT A plug on a piece of electrical equipment is a small plastic object with two or three metal pins which fit into the holes of an electric socket and connects the equipment to the electricity… …   English dictionary

  • Glow plug (model engine) — For the glow plugs used in automotive diesel engines, see Glowplug A glow plug (alternatively spelled glowplug or glow plug) is a device, similar to a spark plug, used to ignite the fuel in the very small internal combustion engines typically… …   Wikipedia

  • hot plug — A spark plug which has a long insulator nose which absorbs more heat and dissipates heat slowly. A colder plug is used in a hot engine while a hot plug is used in a cold engine. Thus if the plugs are fouling too much, try a hotter plug. If the… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Ignition system — For other uses, see Ignition system (disambiguation). An ignition system is a system for igniting a fuel air mixture. Ignition systems are well known in the field of internal combustion engines such as those used in petrol (gasoline) engines used …   Wikipedia

  • gasoline engine — Most widely used form of internal combustion engine, found in most automobiles and many other vehicles. Gasoline engines vary significantly in size, weight per unit of power generated, and arrangement of components. The principal type is the… …   Universalium

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