- cold boot
загрузка при включении ЭВМ
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
cold boot — noun (computing) The rebooting of a machine by turning the power source off and on • • • Main Entry: ↑cold … Useful english dictionary
cold-boot — cold bootˈ transitive verb • • • Main Entry: ↑cold … Useful english dictionary
Cold Boot — [engl.], Kaltstart … Universal-Lexikon
cold boot — The computer startup process that begins when you turn on power to the computer. You are doing a cold boot when you first turn on your computer. A cold boot might also be necessary if a program or the operating system crashes and freezes… … Dictionary of networking
cold boot — paleidimas išjungus statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Operacinės sistemos paleidimas iš naujo prieš tai išjungus ir vėl įjungus kompiuterį. Paprastai prasideda įjungus į tinklą kompiuterį. Naudojamas pradėjus darbą su kompiuteriu, taip pat … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Cold boot attack — (platform reset attack, атака методом холодной перезагрузки) в криптографии класс атак по сторонним каналам, при которых злоумышленник, имеющий физический доступ к компьютеру может извлечь из него ключи шифрования или ценные данные.… … Википедия
Cold boot attack — In cryptography, a cold boot attack (or to a lesser extent, a platform reset attack) is a type of side channel attack in which an attacker with physical access to a computer is able to retrieve encryption keys from a running operating system… … Wikipedia
cold boot — /ˈkoʊld but/ (say kohld booht) noun a procedure which loads the operating system when a computer is switched on. Compare warm boot. {see boot3} …
cold boot — verb To reboot a computer by turning it off and on … Wiktionary
cold boot — startup from a computer which was previously turned off … English contemporary dictionary
boot — [n] heavy, often tall, shoe brogan, footwear, galoshes, mukluk, oxford, snow shoes, waders, waters*; concept 450 boot [v1] kick; oust ax, bounce, can*, chase, chuck*, cut, discharge, dismiss, drive, dropkick*, eighty six*, eject, evict, expel,… … New thesaurus