- coin changer
автомат для размена монет
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
coin changer — noun : a key operated machine which from a store of coins drops into a coin tray a required number of coins in required denominations (as in making change for paper money) * * * 1. a machine that gives change rapidly, as to a customer, typically… … Useful english dictionary
coin changer — 1. a machine that gives change rapidly, as to a customer, typically operated by a manual keyboard and often used in association with a cash register. 2. a machine that supplies change, as small coins for large or large coins for small, esp. for… … Universalium
coin — [ kwɛ̃ ] n. m. • XIIe; lat. cuneus 1 ♦ Instrument de forme prismatique (en bois, en métal) utilisé pour fendre des matériaux, serrer et assujettir certaines choses. ⇒ 2. cale, patarasse. Assujettir avec des coins (⇒ coinçage, coincement) . Ôter… … Encyclopédie Universelle
coin-de-feu — coin [ kwɛ̃ ] n. m. • XIIe; lat. cuneus 1 ♦ Instrument de forme prismatique (en bois, en métal) utilisé pour fendre des matériaux, serrer et assujettir certaines choses. ⇒ 2. cale, patarasse. Assujettir avec des coins (⇒ coinçage, coincement) .… … Encyclopédie Universelle
coin — (koin) s. m. 1° Instrument de fer, taillé en angle solide, et dont on se sert pour fendre du bois. Coins de mire, morceaux de bois qui servent à hausser ou à baisser un canon, un mortier, suivant la distance du but à atteindre. Faire coin … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
changer — n. a coin; record changer * * * [ tʃeɪndʒə] record changer a coin … Combinatory dictionary
changer — In England, an officer formerly belonging to the king s mint whose business was chiefly to exchange coin for bullion brought in by merchants and others … Black's law dictionary
changer — In England, an officer formerly belonging to the king s mint whose business was chiefly to exchange coin for bullion brought in by merchants and others … Black's law dictionary
Money changer — Ernst Rudolf painting The Money Changer C … Wikipedia
money changer — Money Mon ey, n.; pl. {Moneys}. [OE. moneie, OF. moneie, F. monnaie, fr. L. moneta. See {Mint} place where coin is made, {Mind}, and cf. {Moidore}, {Monetary}.] 1. A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dans son coin natal — est une nouvelle d’ Anton Tchekhov (en russe : Rodnom ouglou). Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Résumé 3 Extraits 4 Les personnages … Wikipédia en Français