cogged joint

cogged joint
врубка гребнем

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cogged joint" в других словарях:

  • cog — cog1 /kog, kawg/, n., v., cogged, cogging. n. 1. (not in technical use) a gear tooth, formerly esp. one of hardwood or metal, fitted into a slot in a gearwheel of less durable material. 2. a cogwheel. 3. a person who plays a minor part in a large …   Universalium

  • cogging — I. noun ( s) Etymology: from the gerund of cog (II) : cogs the cogging of the wheel is badly worn II. noun ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • cog — cog1 [käg, kôg] n. [ME cog, cogge < ? Scand, as in Norw kug, Swed kugge, a cog, tooth < IE * gugā a hump, ball < base * gēu , to bend, arch > OE cycgel,CUDGEL] 1. a) any of a series of teeth on the rim of a wheel, for transmitting or… …   English World dictionary

  • cog — I [[t]kɒg, kɔg[/t]] n. 1) mac a gear tooth, esp. one of hardwood or metal, fitted into a slot in a gearwheel of less durable material 2) mac a cogwheel 3) cvb a person who plays a minor part in an organization, activity, etc • Etymology: 1200–50; …   From formal English to slang

  • rack — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a framework usu. with rails, bars, hooks, etc., for holding or storing things. b a frame for holding animal fodder. 2 a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion etc., or using pegs to adjust the position of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mitsubishi 4A9 engine — 4A9 Manufacturer MDC Power Production 2004–present Predecessor Mitsubishi 4G1 engine Cylinder block alloy Aluminum die cast Cylinder head alloy Aluminum die cast …   Wikipedia

  • Chevrolet Vega — 1972 Chevrolet Vega GT Hatchback Coupe Manufacturer Chevrolet Division of General Motors Also called Vega 2300 …   Wikipedia

  • Webster's Mill, Framsden — Framsden Windmill (TM 192 598 Coord|52.193|1.208|display=inline|format=dms) is a Grade II* listedcite web| url= id=279659| publisher =English Heritage| title =POST MILL, MILL HILL,… …   Wikipedia

  • rack — rack1 noun 1》 a framework for holding or storing things.     ↘a vertically barred holder for animal fodder. 2》 a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion, or using pegs to adjust the position of something. 3》 (the rack)… …   English new terms dictionary

  • rack — Ⅰ. rack [1] ► NOUN 1) a framework for holding or storing things. 2) a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion, or using pegs to adjust the position of something. 3) (the rack) historical an instrument of torture consisting… …   English terms dictionary

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