coding paper

coding paper
программные бланки

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "coding paper" в других словарях:

  • Coding theory — is the study of the properties of codes and their fitness for a specific application. Codes are used for data compression, cryptography, error correction and more recently also for network coding. Codes are studied by various scientific… …   Wikipedia

  • Coding theory approaches to nucleic acid design — DNA code construction refers to the application of coding theory to the design of nucleic acid systems for the field of DNA–based computation. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Definitions 2.1 Property U 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Paper roll coding device — Устройство для маркировки рулонов бумаги …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Paper roll coding — Маркировка бумажного рулона …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Huffman coding — Huffman tree generated from the exact frequencies of the text this is an example of a huffman tree . The frequencies and codes of each character are below. Encoding the sentence with this code requires 135 bits, as opposed of 288 bits if 36… …   Wikipedia

  • Dirty paper coding — In telecommunications, dirty paper coding (DPC) is a technique for efficient transmission of digital data through a channel subjected to some interference known to the transmitter. The technique consists of precoding the data in order to cancel… …   Wikipedia

  • National Clinical Coding Qualification (UK) — The National Clinical Coding Qualification (UK) is the only nationally recognised qualification for clinical coders working in the NHS[1]. Upon passing the examination a clinical coder is able to use the Post nominal letters ACC. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Arithmetic coding — is a method for lossless data compression. Normally, a string of characters such as the words hello there is represented using a fixed number of bits per character, as in the ASCII code. Like Huffman coding, arithmetic coding is a form of… …   Wikipedia

  • Network coding — is a technique where, instead of simply relaying the packets of information they receive, the nodes of a network will take several packets and combine them together for transmission. This can be used to attain the maximum possible information… …   Wikipedia

  • Block Truncation Coding — Block Truncation Coding, or BTC, is a type of lossy image compression technique for greyscale images. It divides the original images into blocks and then uses a quantiser to reduce the number of grey levels in each block whilst maintaining the… …   Wikipedia

  • Color-coding — For other uses, see Color code. In computer science and graph theory, the method of color coding[1][2] efficiently finds k vertex simple paths, k vertex cycles, and other small subgraphs within a given graph using probabilistic algorithms, which… …   Wikipedia

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