
1) код; система кодирования || кодировать
2) программа, текст программы, код || программировать, писать программу
3) технические условия
4) нормы и правила; правила эксплуатации
absolute code
abstract code
address code
aeronautical code
algebraic code
alphanumeric code
alphameric code
answer-back code
antipollution code
area code
arithmetic code
authentication code
automatic code
balanced code
bar code
basic code
Baudot code
BCH code
best estimate code
binary code
binary-coded decimal code
binary decimal code
biphase code
bipolar code
block code
boiler code
Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code
Building code
burst-correcting code
burst-detecting code
cable code
card code
carriage return code
chain code
channel code
character code
circulant code
close-packed code
code of practice
color code
command code
compiled code
complementary code
completion code
component code
computer code
concatenated code
condition code
constant ratio code
control code
convolutional code
copy codes
cyclic code
cyclic redundancy code
decimal code
destination code
diffuse code
direct code
dot-and-dash code
double-adjacent error-correcting code
electrical code
end line code
entropy code
equal-length code
equidistant code
erroneous code
error code
error-checking code
error-correcting code
error-detecting code
escape code
excess-N code
executable code
Fibonacci code
fixed-length code
fixed-weight code
flag code
format code
function code
genetic code
Gray code
group code
Hamming code
Hanning code
Hollerith code
Huffman code
identifying code
illegal code
instruction code
interleaved code
interrogation code
inverse code
kill line code
letter code
line ignore code
linear code
machine-language code
machine code
macro code
majority-decodable code
micro code
mnemonic code
m-out-of-n code
multiple-error correcting code
new common surface code
noise aeroport code
noise code
non-return-to-zero code
NRZI code
number code
numerical code
numeric code
n-unit code
object code
offset binary code
op code
parallel code
parity-check code
part-program code
perfect code
permutation code
personality code
polynomial code
positional code
position code
precedence code
prefix code
prime-residue error-correction code
proceed code
product code
pseudo code
pseudocyclic code
pseudonoise code
pseudoternary code
quasi-cyclic code
quasi-perfect code
quaternary code
rail code
raster code
recording code
rectangular bar code
recurrent code
redundant code
Reed-Muller code
Reed-Solomon code
reflected code
relative code
residue code
return code
return-to-zero code
rubout code
run-length code
run-length-limited code
sanitary code
self-checking code
serial code
sign code
simplex code
single error-correcting code
skeletal code
skip code
SMPTE time code
source code
specific code
standard code
state code
stop code
string code
studio code
symbolic code
systematic code
termination code
ternary code
time code
tool code
track code
transmission code
transparent code
trellis code
TTS code
twinned-binary code
two-frame code
type-bar flag code
typesetting code
unit disparity code
Universal Product code
unrail code
user identification code
user code
variable-length code
Wagner code
water code
weighted code
zero-disparity code
ZIP code

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "code" в других словарях:

  • code — code …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • codé — codé …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • code — [ kɔd ] n. m. • 1220; lat. jurid. codex « planchette, recueil » 1 ♦ Recueil de lois. Le code de Justinien, et absolt le Code. Ensemble des lois et dispositions légales relatives à une matière spéciale. Livre, article d un code. Le C ODE CIVIL ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • code — [kəʊd ǁ koʊd] noun 1. [countable] LAW a complete set of written rules or laws: • Each state in the US has a different criminal and civil code. ˈbuilding code [countable] LAW a set of rules that states what features a new building, bridge etc… …   Financial and business terms

  • Code — redirects here. CODE may also refer to Cultural Olympiad Digital Edition. Decoded redirects here. For the television show, see Brad Meltzer s Decoded. For code (computer programming), see source code. For other uses, see Code (disambiguation).… …   Wikipedia

  • code — n [Old French, from Medieval Latin codex, from Latin caudex codex tree trunk, set of wood writing tablets, book] 1: a systematic compilation or revision of law or legal principles that is arranged esp. by subject: as a: one that contains the law… …   Law dictionary

  • Codé — Code Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Code-2 — (Computador Didáctico Elemental, versión 2), y su predecesor ODE son dos procesadores ideados por los profesores Alberto Prieto y Antonio Lloris, de la Universidad de Granada, para facilitar la compresión del funcionamiento y el diseño hardware… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Code QR — Pour les articles homonymes, voir QR. Un exemple de code QR Le code QR ou QR Code (en anglais) est un code barres en 2 dimensions (code matrice) pouvant stocker jusqu à 7089 c …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Code 46 — film poster Directed by Michael Winterbottom Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • code — code; code·less; en·code·ment; iden·ta·code; man·u·code; re·code; sar·code; mi·cro·code; post·code; zip·code; de·code; en·code; os·tra·code; …   English syllables

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