coarse size

coarse size
крупный класс; крупнокусковая фракция

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "coarse size" в других словарях:

  • Coarse fishing — is a term used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for angling for coarse fish, which are those types of freshwater fish other than game fish (trout, salmon and char). The sport and the techniques used are particularly popular in the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Coarse woody debris — in Białowieża Forest, Poland Coarse woody debris (CWD) is a term used in English speaking countries for fallen dead trees and the remains of large branches on the ground in forests. Some prefer the term coarse woody habitat (CWH). A dead standing …   Wikipedia

  • Coarse space (numerical analysis) — This article deals with a component of numerical methods. For coarse space in topology, see coarse structure. In numerical analysis, coarse problem is an auxiliary system of equations used in an iterative method for the solution of a given larger …   Wikipedia

  • coarse coal — n that portion of a coal sample being subjected to a washability study that is larger than a specific predetermined particle size, generally between 2.36 mm (No. 8 USA Standard Sieve Series) and 9.5 mm (3⁄8 in.) round in diameter. DISCUSSION This …   Coke&Coal Terminology

  • -size — [[t] saɪz[/t]] also sized 1) COMB in ADJ You can use size or sized in combination with nouns to form adjectives which indicate that something is the same size as something else. ...golfball sized lumps of coarse black rock. 2) COMB in ADJ You can …   English dictionary

  • coarse-graining — noun The rescaling of a phenomenon into units or cells of size close to the uncertainty of measurement. See Also: coarse grained …   Wiktionary

  • coarse sediment — sediment with a particle size greater than 2.0 mm. Includes gravel, cobbles and boulders …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • coarse — a. 1. Of large size. 2. Of large fibres or particles. 3. Crude, rough, impure, unpurified. 4. Gross, broad, indelicate, indecent, vulgar. 5. Rude, unpolished, uncivil, impolite, gruff, bluff, bearish, brutish, loutish, clownish, churlish. 6. Mean …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Categories of rock grain size — ▪ Table Categories of rock grain size terms in common use general grain size igneous rocks in general pegmatites fine grained 12 in. See as table: * * * …   Universalium

  • grain size measurement — grain size is normally quantified by a numbering system. Coarse 1 5 and fine 5 8. The number is derived from the formula N=2n 1 where n is the number of grains per square inch at a magnification of 100 diameters. Grain size has an important… …   Mechanics glossary

  • Nominal size — In manufacturing, a nominal size or trade size is a size in name only used for identification.[1] The nominal size may not match any dimension of the product, but within the domain of that product the nominal size may correspond to a large number …   Wikipedia

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