- aerodynamic drag
аэродинамическое сопротивление
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
aerodynamic drag — aer o*dy*nam ic drag, n. 1. the resistance caused by a gas to the motion of a solid body moving through it. Studied in {aerodynamics}. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aerodynamic drag — Note This article is currently under renovation, and may, at times, appear disjoint. Please see the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Aerodynamic drag Discussion Page] . Introduction Aerodynamic drag refers to the retarding force on moving… … Wikipedia
aerodynamic drag — aerodinaminis pasipriešinimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. aerodynamic drag; aerodynamic resistance; air resistance vok. aerodynamischer Widerstand, m; Lufwiderstand, m rus. аэродинамическое сопротивление, n pranc. résistance… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
aerodynamic drag — aerodinaminis pasipriešinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aerodynamic drag; aerodynamic resistance; air resistance vok. aerodynamischer Widerstand, m; Luftwiderstand, m rus. аэродинамическое сопротивление, n pranc. résistance… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
aerodynamic drag — aerodinaminis pasipriešinimas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Kūnui judant oro (dujų) aplinkoje, dėl šios aplinkos poveikio kūną veikianti jėga. Skraidymo aparatų aerodinamikoje tai pasipriešinimo skridimui jėgos dedamoji, priešinga… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
aerodynamic drag — The resistance of the air to forward movement, sometimes called air resistance. This is a factor of the shape of the vehicle (drag coefficient and frontal area), the objects which stick out (i.e., mirrors, mufflers, bumpers), the amount of… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Aerodynamic — Aer o*dy*nam ic, Aerodynamic A [ e]r*o*dy*nam ic, a. 1. Pertaining to the force of air in motion. [1913 Webster] 2. having a shape designed to minimize wind resistance (aerodynamic drag) when moving through the air or other gas; used especially… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aerodynamic — Aer o*dy*nam ic, Aerodynamic A [ e]r*o*dy*nam ic, a. 1. Pertaining to the force of air in motion. [1913 Webster] 2. having a shape designed to minimize wind resistance (aerodynamic drag) when moving through the air or other gas; used especially… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drag (physics) — Shape and flow Form drag Skin friction 0% 100% 10% 90% … Wikipedia
Drag — Contents 1 In science and technology 2 In arts, performance arts and entertainment 3 Other uses … Wikipedia
drag — [1] To accelerate a vehicle from a standing start, over a course one fourth mile in length. Also called drag racing. [2] Used by some drivers when referring to challenging another driver to an acceleration race. [3] Air resistance. See… … Dictionary of automotive terms