- CO2 gun
горелка для (дуговой) сварки в среде оксида углерода
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Air gun — Air rifle and Air pistol redirect here. For other uses, see Air gun (disambiguation) An air gun (air rifle or air pistol) is a rifle or pistol which fires projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, (in contrast to a firearm which uses… … Wikipedia
Airsoft gun — This article is about airsoft guns. For the sport, see Airsoft. Classic Army M15A4 AEG with Aimpoint Comp2 Replica Red dot sight Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets (also known as BBs) by way of compressed gas, electric… … Wikipedia
BB gun — BB guns are a type of air gun designed to shoot projectiles called BB after the Birdshot pellet of approximately the same size. These projectiles are usually spherical but can also be pointed; those are usually used for bird hunting. Modern day… … Wikipedia
Spud gun (cannon) — This article is about pipe based cannons and similar which use air pressure, or combustion of a gaseous fuel, or both, to launch large projectiles at low speed. They are in two types: * To fire whole potatoes. These launchers are built and fired… … Wikipedia
Spud gun — For the child s toy which fires small pieces of potato, see spud gun (toy). A pneumatic potato cannon A potato cannon (also known as a spud gun or spudzooka ) is a pipe based cannon which uses air pressure (pneumatic), Propellant, or… … Wikipedia
Clathrate gun hypothesis — … Wikipedia
Automatic Electric Gun — Eine Softairwaffe ist eine spezielle Druckluftwaffe, die als Spielgerät für das sportive, taktische Geländespiel Airsoft dient. Meist sind dies Replikate von echten Schusswaffen. Softairwaffen (Airsoftwaffen) sind durch Federdruck, Gas oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Airsoft gun — Une réplique du Classic Army M15A4 S.P.R. AEG venant avec un viseur Aimpoint Comp2 Replica Red dot. Un airsoft gun (ou BB pistol) est une réplique détaillée d une arme à feu utilisé à des fins ludiques comme l airsoft ou pour les collectionneurs … Wikipédia en Français
R. v. Manninen — [1987] 1 S.C.R. 1233 is a leading Supreme Court of Canada decision on an accused Charter right to retain and instruct a lawyer (section 10(b)) as well as the right to silence (section 24(2)).BackgroundIn October 1982, Ronald Charles Manninen… … Wikipedia
Accurizing — is the process of improving the accuracy of a firearm or airgun.cite web |url=http://saami.org/Glossary/index.cfm |title=SAAMI glossary |accessdate=2007 08 30] For firearms, accuracy is defined as the ability to hit exactly what you re aiming at … Wikipedia
Paintball marker — A paintball marker, also known as a paintball gun, is the central or main piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Markers make use of an expanding gas such as carbon dioxide, compressed air or nitrogen dioxide to propel paintballs through… … Wikipedia