clutch lever

clutch lever
рычаг управления муфтой; рычаг выключения сцепления

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "clutch lever" в других словарях:

  • clutch lever — A hand operated blade located on the left side of the handlebar of a motorcycle. When the clutch lever is pulled in, it disengages the clutch so the engine and the crankshaft can turn independently of the transmission and the rider can change… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Clutch — For other uses, see Clutch (disambiguation). Rear side of a Ford V6 engine, looking at the clutch housing on the flywheel …   Wikipedia

  • lever — A simple machine comprising an arm and a pivot. Also see actuating lever brake lever clutch lever clutch release lever gear lever gearshift left hand gear lever parking brake lever strut parking brake lev …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • clutch — [1] An electrically operated coupling device that connects or disconnects the compressor pulley and compressor shaft [2] A device that disconnects the engine from the transmission, to allow the vehicle to change gears, and then allows the engine… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • clutch drag — When the clutch discs do not disengage completely after the clutch pedal is depressed or the clutch lever is pulled in, there is excessive friction so that it is difficult to shift gears because both the driven discs and the input shaft are both… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Clutch control — refers to the act of controlling the speed of a vehicle with a manual transmission by partially engaging the clutch plate, using the clutch pedal instead of (or in conjunction with) the accelerator pedal. The purpose of a clutch is in part to… …   Wikipedia

  • clutch — clutch1 or clutch bag [kluch] vt. [ME clucchen < OE clyccan, to clench (infl. in meaning by ME cloke, a claw) < IE * glek (> CLING) < base * gel : see CLIMB] 1. to grasp, seize, or snatch with a hand or claw 2. to grasp or hold… …   English World dictionary

  • clutch slip — occurs when the clutch tries to engage (when the pedal or lever is released), but the discs do not mate securely …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • clutch pedal — noun a pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other • Syn: ↑clutch • Hypernyms: ↑pedal, ↑treadle, ↑foot pedal, ↑foot lever …   Useful english dictionary

  • clutch — I. verb Etymology: Middle English clucchen, from Old English clyccan Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly 2. obsolete clench intransitive verb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • clutch fork — When the clutch pedal (or lever) is depressed, it pulls on a cable which moves the clutch fork which in turn pushes on the release bearing and disengages the clutch discs …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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