- cloud seeding
засев облаков (химическими реагентами)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cloud seeding — can be done by ground generators, plane, or rocket (not shown). Cloud seeding, a form of intentional weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air… … Wikipedia
cloud-seeding — cloudˈ seeding noun The induction of rainfall by scattering particles, eg dry ice, silver iodide, on clouds from aircraft • • • Main Entry: ↑cloud … Useful english dictionary
cloud seeding — any technique of adding material to a cloud to alter its natural development, usually to increase or obtain precipitation. [1945 50] * * * ▪ atmospheric science deliberate introduction into clouds of various substances that act as… … Universalium
cloud seeding — A method of artificial rainmaking by scattering silver iodide or other finely divided particles into clouds to serve as nuclei for raindrops. The atmospheric conditions, in terms of humidity, etc., should be conducive for cloud formation for… … Aviation dictionary
cloud seeding — /ˈklaʊd sidɪŋ/ (say klowd seeding) noun the process of attempting to induce rain to fall by seeding clouds. See seed (def. 15) …
cloud seeding — An attempt to control natural phenomena by artificial means, that is, by scattering certain chemical substances in a cloud from an airplane. The purpose is usually to promote rainfall, but, at times, to suppress hail and lightning. 1 Am J2d Adj L … Ballentine's law dictionary
cloud seeding — any technique of adding material to a cloud to alter its natural development, usually to increase or obtain precipitation. [1945 50] … Useful english dictionary
cloud seeding — noun The act of firing munitions containing silver iodide at passing clouds to make them more likely to produce rain … Wiktionary
cloud seeding — attempt to create or grow clouds by the introduction of condensation nuclei in order to cause greater precipitation … Geography glossary
Cloud reflectivity modification — Cloud reflectivity enhancement is also known as marine cloud brightening or cloud whitening on low cloud. An opposite scheme exists to reduce the reflectivity of higher, colder cirrus clouds.[1] It is a geoengineering technique that works by… … Wikipedia
Cloud physics — Atmospheric sciences Aerology … Wikipedia