clear glaze

clear glaze
прозрачная глазурь

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "clear glaze" в других словарях:

  • Clear ice — with icicles on a bush Clear ice refers to a solid precipitation which forms when air temperature is between 0 °C (32 °F) and 3 °C (27 °F) and there are supercooled, relatively large drops of water (from freezing fog). A rapid …   Wikipedia

  • Glaze ice — is a smooth, transparent and homogenous ice coating occurring when freezing rain or drizzle hit a surface. It is similar in appearance to clear ice, which forms from supercooled water also*Black ice *Clear iceExternal links*… …   Wikipedia

  • clear ice — glaze ice, esp. on aircraft. * * * …   Universalium

  • glaze — I UK [ɡleɪz] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms glaze : singular glaze plural glazes 1) a thin layer of milk, sugar, or egg that you put on foods to make them look smooth and shiny 2) art a clear shiny oil that you put on paintings or… …   English dictionary

  • glaze — glaze1 [ gleız ] noun count or uncount 1. ) a thin layer of milk, sugar, or egg that you put on foods to make them look smooth and shiny 2. ) a clear shiny oil that you put on paintings or on objects made of clay, leather, or paper to protect… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • glaze ice — Ice that forms when large drops of water strike and spread over a surface whose temperature is below the freezing point. Glaze ice is hard and transparent. It tends to accumulate rapidly and is often very hard and therefore more difficult to… …   Aviation dictionary

  • glaze over — verb 1. become glassy; lose clear vision Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep • Syn: ↑film over, ↑blur • Derivationally related forms: ↑blur (for: ↑blur) …   Useful english dictionary

  • glaze — i. An aircraft brake malfunction in which a hard, glasslike coating forms on the brake disc surface, causing the brakes to chatter, squeal, and be less effective. ii. The sheet or thin coating of ice that forms when rain falls on surfaces with… …   Aviation dictionary

  • glaze — [gleɪz] noun [C/U] 1) a thin layer of milk, sugar, or egg that you put on foods to make them look shiny 2) a clear liquid that you put on paintings or clay objects to protect them and make them shiny glaze verb [T] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • clear ice — noun : a transparent ice coating or glaze * * * glaze ice, esp. on aircraft …   Useful english dictionary

  • clear ice — A transparent ice that forms when an aircraft flies through freezing rain or supercooled clouds. It forms fastest when the water drops are large, such as those found in cumuliform clouds. It may be either smooth or rough, and, in some instances,… …   Aviation dictionary

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