aerial photography from a kite

aerial photography from a kite
фотосъёмка с воздушного змея

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "aerial photography from a kite" в других словарях:

  • Kite aerial photography — (KAP) is a hobby and a type of photography. A camera is lifted using a kite and is triggered either remotely or automatically to take aerial photographs. The camera rigs can range from the extremely simple, consisting of a trigger mechanism with… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerial photography — is the taking of photographs of the ground from an elevated position. The term usually refers to images in which the camera is not supported by a ground based structure. Cameras may be hand held or mounted, and photographs may be taken by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Photography — is the art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor or chemically by means of a light sensitive material such as photographic… …   Wikipedia

  • Kite control systems — Kite types, kite mooring, and kite applications result in a wide variety of kite control systems; contemporary manufacturers, kite athletes, kite pilots, scientists, and engineers are expanding kite control systems. Single line kite control… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerial archaeology — is the study of archaeological remains by examining them from altitude.The advantages of gaining a good aerial view of the ground had been long appreciated by archaeologists as a high viewpoint permits a better appreciation of fine details and… …   Wikipedia

  • Kite — s. [ [ Flying High, Down Under] When the kite line broke, the kites still received tension from the very long kite line.] The anchor point of the kite line may be static or moving… …   Wikipedia

  • Kite applications — The kite is used to do certain things; one kite or many kites are applied to achieve certain purposes, objectives, or tasks, that is: applications. Humans have applied the kite to bring perceived benefits during peace and war alike. New… …   Wikipedia

  • Kite types — Colorful delta wing kite Kites are tethered flying objects which fly by using aerodynamic lift, requiring wind, (or towing), for generation of airflow over the lifting surfaces. Contents 1 Kite …   Wikipedia

  • Photography and the law — A No Photography sign, commonly placed in properties where the owner objects to or it is illegal to take photographs (though in some jurisdictions, this is not a legal requirement). Photography tends to be protected by the law through copyright… …   Wikipedia

  • kite — kite1 kiter, n. kitelike, adj. /kuyt/, n., v., kited, kiting. n. 1. a light frame covered with some thin material, to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string. 2. any of several small birds of the hawk family Accipitridae that have long,… …   Universalium

  • Topic outline of photography — Photography is the process of making pictures by means of the action of capturing light on a film. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects are recorded onto a sensitive medium or storage chip through a timed exposure. The process is done …   Wikipedia

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