- cirrostratus cloud
перисто-слоистое облако
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cirrostratus cloud — Cirrostratus fibratus Abbreviation Cs Genus Cirrus curl of hair and stratus layered Alti … Wikipedia
cirrostratus cloud — noun a thin uniform layer of hazy cloud at high altitude • Syn: ↑cirrostratus • Hypernyms: ↑cloud … Useful english dictionary
Cirrostratus nebulosus — clouds being illuminated by the sun and forming a halo Abbreviation Cs neb Symbol … Wikipedia
Cirrostratus fibratus — Abbreviation Cs fib Symbol Genus Cirrus (curl of hair) stratus (layered) Species fibratus (fibrous … Wikipedia
cirrostratus — noun a thin uniform layer of hazy cloud at high altitude • Syn: ↑cirrostratus cloud • Hypernyms: ↑cloud … Useful english dictionary
Cirrostratus — Abréviation METAR Cs Symbole Classification Famille A (Étage supérieur) … Wikipédia en Français
cirrostratus — [sir΄ō strāt′əs, sir΄ōstrat′əs] n. the type of thin, whitish cloud found at high altitudes and consisting of ice crystals: such clouds often produce halo phenomena: see CLOUD … English World dictionary
cloud — [kloud] n. [ME cloude, clude, orig., mass of rock, hence, mass of cloud < OE clud, mass of rock: for IE base see CLIMB] 1. a visible mass of tiny, condensed water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere: clouds are commonly… … English World dictionary
cirrostratus — ► NOUN ▪ cloud forming a thin, uniform semi translucent layer at high altitude … English terms dictionary
Cloud — For other uses, see Cloud (disambiguation). Cumulus cloudscape over Swifts Creek, Australia A cloud … Wikipedia
cloud — cloudlike, adj. /klowd/, n. 1. a visible collection of particles of water or ice suspended in the air, usually at an elevation above the earth s surface. 2. any similar mass, esp. of smoke or dust. 3. a dim or obscure area in something otherwise… … Universalium