- circuit-breaker bushing
ввод выключателя
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Bushing (electrical) — A bushing is an electrical engineering component that insulates a high voltage conductor passing through a metal enclosure. Bushings appear on switchgear, transformers, circuit breakers and other high voltage equipment. Description The bushing is … Wikipedia
проходной изолятор — Изолятор, предназначенный для провода токоведущих элементов через стенку, имеющую другой электрический потенциал. [ГОСТ 27744 88] проходной изолятор [IEV number 151 15 40] EN (insulating) bushing insulator forming a passage for a conductor… … Справочник технического переводчика
Current transformer — A CT for operation on a 110 kV grid In electrical engineering, a current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of electric currents. Current transformers, together with voltage transformers (VT) (potential transformers (PT)), are known as … Wikipedia
OCB — Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Governmental » US Government) * Organized Crime Bureau (Community » Law) * Oil Circuit Breaker (Academic & Science » Electronics) * Obsessive Compulsive Behavior (Medical » Physiology) * Oklahoma Center for… … Abbreviations dictionary
Jig (tool) — In metalworking and woodworking, a jig is a type of tool used to control the location and/or motion of another tool. A jig s primary purpose is to provide repeatability, accuracy, and interchangeability in the manufacturing of products.[1] A jig… … Wikipedia