- chucker
патронный токарный станок
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Chucker — The term chucker can have several different meanings. Chucker, in cricket is a derisive slang term for a bowler who is believed to throw, rather than bowl, the ball. A Chukka is a 7 minute period of play in Polo. Chukar Partridges This… … Wikipedia
chucker — Ⅰ. chuck [1] ► VERB informal 1) throw (something) carelessly or casually. 2) give up. 3) (chuck up) vomit. ● chuck it down Cf. ↑chuck it down … English terms dictionary
chucker — /ˈtʃʌkə/ (say chukuh) noun 1. someone or something that chucks. 2. Cricket a bowler who throws rather than bowls the ball. See throw (def. 25). 3. Also, chucker upper. Colloquial a person who is inclined to vomiting attacks …
chucker-out — n. a person whose duty is to throw troublemakers out of a bar or public meeting; a bouncer[5]. Syn: bouncer. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chucker out — ˌchucker ˈout 7 [chucker out] noun (BrE, informal) a person employed to make people leave a social event if they have not been invited or if they cause trouble … Useful english dictionary
chucker-out — noun a person whose duty is to throw troublemakers out of a bar or public meeting • Syn: ↑bouncer • Derivationally related forms: ↑bounce (for: ↑bouncer) • Hypernyms: ↑guard * * * … Useful english dictionary
chucker-out — /tʃʌkər ˈaʊt/ (say chukuhr owt) noun Colloquial someone employed at a place of public entertainment to eject undesirable persons; bouncer. Also, chucker outer …
chucker — chucker1 /chuk euhr/, n. Baseball. a pitcher. [1750 60, for literal sense; CHUCK1 + ER1] chucker2 /chuk euhr/, n. Informal. woodchuck. [(WOOD)CHUCK + ER1] * * * … Universalium
chucker — noun a) One who chucks; a thrower. b) A bowler who throws or chucks the ball rather than bowls it … Wiktionary
Chucker — (cricket) bowler who throws the ball instead of bowling it, or (technically) who bends the arm during bowling … Dictionary of Australian slang
chucker — Australian Slang (cricket) bowler who throws the ball instead of bowling it, or (technically) who bends the arm during bowling … English dialects glossary