- chromatron tube
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Chromatron — The Chromatron is a color television cathode ray tube design invented by Nobel prize winner Ernest Lawrence and developed commercially by Sony, Litton Industries and others. The Chromatron offered brighter images than conventional color… … Wikipedia
Trinitron — A 1985 27 Trinitron Trinitron is Sony s brand name for its line of aperture grille based CRTs used in television sets and computer display monitors. One of the first truly new television systems to enter the market since the 1950s, the Trinitron… … Wikipedia
Color television — Title card for NBC, promoting their broadcast in RCA color . Color television is part of the history of television, the technology of television and practices associated with television s transmission of moving images in color video. In its most… … Wikipedia
Trinitron — es la marca de la compañía tecnológica Sony para su línea de televisiones y monitores de computadora basados en la tecnología de tubo de rayos catódicos de rejillas de apertura. La tecnología Trinitron fue anunciada en 1966, y Sony aseguraba… … Wikipedia Español
Bildröhre — Bịld|röh|re 〈f. 19〉 Elektronenstrahlröhre für die Wiedergabe von Bildern im Fernsehempfänger * * * Bịld|röh|re, die (Fernsehen): Röhre, die das empfangene Bild auf einem Leuchtschirm wiedergibt. * * * I Bildröhre, Bildwiedergaberöhre, jede… … Universal-Lexikon