- choke tube
диффузор (карбюратора)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
choke tube — [1] The part of the carburetor air horn where the choke butterfly is positioned. Also called a carburetor venturi. [2] Throttling device used to maintain correct pressure difference between high side and low side in refrigerating mechanism.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
tube — [1] A long, narrow, hollow cylinder for holding or passing liquids or gases. [2] A rubber doughnut shaped bladder which is placed within the carcass of a tire and inflated. See axle tube bourdon tube capillary tube carburetor venturi choke tube… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Choke (horse) — Choke is a condition in horses in which the esophagus is blocked, usually by food material. Although the horse is still able to breathe, it is unable to swallow, and may become severely dehydrated. A secondary condition, aspiration pneumonia, may … Wikipedia
Choke-out — The use of chokeholds has become quite prevalent, in competitions such as Brazilian Jujitsu, Competition Sambo, Submission Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts, it also has Law enforcement and military applications. A Choke Out is when one person uses… … Wikipedia
choke — [14] Etymologically, to choke is to cut off air by constricting the ‘cheeks’, for it is a derivative of cēoce, the Old English word for ‘cheek’. There is actually such a verb recorded, just once, from Old English: the compound ācēocian, with the… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
choke — [14] Etymologically, to choke is to cut off air by constricting the ‘cheeks’, for it is a derivative of cēoce, the Old English word for ‘cheek’. There is actually such a verb recorded, just once, from Old English: the compound ācēocian, with the… … Word origins
choke — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. hinder or impede the breathing of (a person or animal) esp. by constricting the windpipe or (of gas, smoke, etc.) by being unbreathable. 2 intr. suffer a hindrance or stoppage of breath. 3 tr. & intr. make or become speechless … Useful english dictionary
venturi tube — A short tube with a constricted passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it. The venturi, or choke tube, in a carburetor is used to suck the fuel from the float chamber through a discharge nozzle… … Dictionary of automotive terms
fixed-choke carburetor — A carburetor where the choke tube or venturi is of predetermined size … Dictionary of automotive terms
Shotgun — For other uses, see Shotgun (disambiguation). A pump action Remington 870, two semi automatic … Wikipedia
Slug barrel — A slug barrel is a barrel for a shotgun that is designed primarily to fire slugs.OriginsWhen slugs are fired in a standard, choked barrel, the slug is deformed by the choke as it exits. The degree of deformation is most acute with fuller chokes,… … Wikipedia