child node
Смотреть что такое "child node" в других словарях:
Child (disambiguation) — Child (and its plural, children) normally refers to a child, a person who is not yet an adult. The term may also refer to: Child (surname) Contents 1 In psychology 2 In computer science 3 In medicine … Wikipedia
Node (computer science) — A node is a record consisting of one or more fields that are links to other nodes, and a data field. The link and data fields are often implemented by pointers or references although it is also quite common for the data to be embedded directly in … Wikipedia
Child migration — is the migration of children, without their parents, to another country or region.[1] In many cases this has involved the forced migration of children in care, to be used as child labour. Contents 1 Australia 2 Canada 3 … Wikipedia
Child Evangelism Fellowship — Die Kinder Evangelisations Bewegung (KEB) ist ein evangelikal ausgerichtetes christliches Missionswerk, das es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, Kindern das Evangelium von Jesus Christus verständlich zu vermitteln. Die KEB lehnt die Evolutionslehre… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Child Labour Issues of Unilever in India — Feel good, look good and get more out of life – that is what Unilever these days advertise as a punch line. Unilever claims that company is guided with clear values and standards. Company claims that ‘Consumers, employees, suppliers, competitors … Wikipedia
Leaf node — In computer science, a leaf node or external node is a node of a tree data structure that has zero child nodes. Often, leaf nodes are the nodes farthest from the root node. In the graph theory tree, a leaf node is a vertex of degree 1 other than… … Wikipedia
International child abduction in Japan — Main article: International child abduction Protesters of abduction of children to Japan at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear In Washington D.C. International child abduction in Japan refers to the illegal international abduction or removal … Wikipedia
Aboriginal child protection — describes services designed specifically for protection of the children of aboriginal or indigenous peoples, particularly where these peoples are a minority within a country. They may differ at international, national, legal, cultural, social,… … Wikipedia
Eternity's Child — Infobox VG width= title= Eternity s Child caption= developer= Luc Bernard Silver Sphere Studios publisher= Alten8 (Wii version only) Silver Sphere Studios (PC/Mobile Version) distributor = designer= series= engine= PlaneD version= released= Steam … Wikipedia
Terminal node — may mean:* Leaf node, a node of a tree data structure that has no child nodes. * Lymph node, a terminal lymph node in the lymphatic system … Wikipedia
Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II (PCIA-II) — The Parent Child Interaction Assessment II (PCIA II; Holigrocki, Kaminski, Frieswyk, 1999, 2002) is a direct observation procedure. Parents and 3 to 10 year old children are videotaped as they play at a make believe zoo. They are presented with a … Wikipedia