chemical sectioning

chemical sectioning
1) химический послойный анализ
2) химический метод определения толщины покрытия

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "chemical sectioning" в других словарях:

  • Chemical imaging — (as quantitative chemical mapping) is the analytical capability to create a visual image of components distribution from simultaneous measurement of spectra and spatial, time informations.[1][2] The main idea for chemical imaging, the analyst may …   Wikipedia

  • Histology — Not to be confused with Historiography. A stained histologic specimen, sandwiched between a glass microscope slide and coverslip, mounted on the stage of a light microscope …   Wikipedia

  • Mind uploading — This page is about whole brain emulation in futurism, transhumanism and science. See also Mind uploading in fiction. Whole brain emulation or mind uploading (sometimes called mind transfer) is the hypothetical process of transferring or copying a …   Wikipedia

  • Microtome — A microtome used in microscopy. A microtome (from the Greek mikros, meaning small , and temnein, meaning to cut ) is a sectioning instrument that allows for the cutting of extremely thin slices of material, known as sections. Microtomes are an… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron microscope — Diagram of a transmission electron microscope A 197 …   Wikipedia

  • Transmission electron microscopy — A TEM image of the polio virus. The polio virus is 30 nm in size.[1] Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a microscopy technique whereby a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it… …   Wikipedia

  • Olivocochlear system — The olivocochlear system is a component of the auditory system involved with the descending control of the cochlea. Its nerve fibres, the olivocochlear bundle (OCB), form part of the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIIIth cranial nerve, also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… …   Universalium

  • Afro-textured hair — Prominent Ghanaian economist and author George Ayittey with natural afro textured hair. Natural or Afro textured hair is a term used to refer to the typical texture of African hair that has not been altered by hot combs, flat irons, or chemicals… …   Wikipedia

  • Perm (hairstyle) — A permanent wave, commonly called a perm, is the chemical and/or thermal treatment of hair to produce waves or curls. The use of the word permanent is justified insofar as when the wave is permed, it remains so; however, as the hair grows, the… …   Wikipedia

  • community ecology — Introduction       study of the organization and functioning of communities (community), which are assemblages of interacting populations of the species living within a particular area or habitat.       As populations of species interact with one …   Universalium

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