Смотреть что такое "checkup" в других словарях:
checkup — index test Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
checkup — (n.) careful examination, 1921, Amer.Eng., from CHECK (Cf. check) + UP (Cf. up), on notion of a checklist of things to be examined. The verbal phrase check up (on) is attested from 1889 … Etymology dictionary
checkup — ☆ checkup [chek′up΄ ] n. an examination or investigation, esp. a general medical examination … English World dictionary
checkup — n. 1) to do, give a checkup (the doctor gave me a thorough checkup) 2) to have a checkup (I had a checkup at the hospital yesterday) 3) an annual; careful; regular; thorough checkup * * * [ tʃekʌp] careful regular thorough checkup give a checkup… … Combinatory dictionary
checkup — 1. noun a) A routine visit to the doctor, dentist, etc. (physical checkup). The appointment was just for a checkup. b) A routine inspection I took my car in for an annual checkup. 2 … Wiktionary
checkup — /chek up /, n. 1. a comprehensive physical examination: He went to the doctor for a checkup. 2. an examination or close scrutiny, as for verification, accuracy, or comparison: They gave the motor a checkup. [1885 90, Amer.; n. use of v. phrase… … Universalium
checkup — check|up [ tʃek,ʌp ] noun count an examination by a doctor or DENTIST to check that you have no problems: a regular dental/physical checkup … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
checkup — doctor s examination, medical examination If you aren t feeling well, go to the doctor for a checkup … English idioms
checkup — noun I saw the doctor for my annual checkup Syn: examination, inspection, evaluation, analysis, survey, probe, test, appraisal; check, health check; informal once over, going over … Thesaurus of popular words
checkup — The process of discovering the reliability of a vehicle or its components. Give my engine a checkup. Sometimes it means tune up … Dictionary of automotive terms
checkup — noun a thorough physical examination; includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑medical checkup, ↑medical examination, ↑medical exam, ↑medical, ↑health check • Derivationally related forms … Useful english dictionary