- checking program
программа контроля
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
checking program — noun a program that examines other computer programs for syntax errors • Hypernyms: ↑program, ↑programme, ↑computer program, ↑computer programme * * * checking program UK US noun [countable] [sing … Useful english dictionary
checking program — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms checking program : singular checking program plural checking programs computing a piece of software that finds mistakes in computer programs … English dictionary
checking program — computer program which proof reads documents … English contemporary dictionary
Compliance Checking Program — [Abk. CCP, dt. »Einhaltungsprüfprogramm«], ein Programm von Microsoft, das bei allen neuen (Microsoft) Updates überprüft, ob Vorversionen vorhanden sind. Es dient zum Schutz vor Raubkopien. Inzwischen sind die meisten Microsoft Programme durch… … Universal-Lexikon
program — I noun 1. a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished (Freq. 106) they drew up a six step plan they discussed plans for a new bond issue • Syn: ↑plan, ↑programme • Derivationally related for … Useful english dictionary
Program analysis (computer science) — Computer program analysis is the process of automatically analysing the behavior of computerprograms.Two main approaches in program analysis are static program analysisand dynamic program analysis.Main applications of program analysis are program … Wikipedia
ChecKing — is a web application developed by optimyth intended for monitoring the quality of software development process and its results, that covers the needs of organizations that want to control software quality before it is put into production. To do… … Wikipedia
checking routine — kontrolės programa statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. check program; check routine; checking routine vok. Kontrollgramm, n; Prüfprogramm, n; Testprogramm, n rus. контролирующая программа, f; программа контроля, f pranc. programme de… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
computer program — noun (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute the program required several hundred lines of code • Syn: ↑program, ↑programme, ↑computer programme • Derivationally related forms: ↑programme … Useful english dictionary
dictionary program — program for translation or spell checking … English contemporary dictionary
Model checking — This article is about checking of models in computer science. For the checking of models in statistics, see regression model validation. In computer science, model checking refers to the following problem: Given a model of a system, test… … Wikipedia