- character indicator
алфавитно-цифровой индикатор; знаковый индикатор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
32 character indicator — Визуализатор на 32 знака … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
indicator — Synonyms and related words: Fathometer, JP, Justice, arbiter, arbitrator, badge, banner, bencher, bob, character, characteristic, control indicator, count rate meter, critic, current indicator, density indicator, depth sounder, detonation… … Moby Thesaurus
character — Synonyms and related words: Adamite, Altmann theory, DNA, De Vries theory, Galtonian theory, Mendelianism, Mendelism, RNA, Roscius, VIP, Verworn theory, Weismann theory, Weismannism, Wiesner theory, abnormal, accent, accent mark, acclaim, actor,… … Moby Thesaurus
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator — Carl Jung in 1910. Myers and Briggs extrapolated their MBTI theory from Jung s writings in his book Psychological Types. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological… … Wikipedia
Frobenius-Schur indicator — In mathematics the Schur indicator, named after Issai Schur, or Frobenius Schur indicator describes what invariant bilinear forms a given irreducible representation of a compact group on a complex vector space has, and can be used to classify the … Wikipedia
Radical (Chinese character) — Bushu redirects here. For the former Japanese province, see Musashi Province. The Chinese character 採 cǎi, meaning ‘to pick’, with its ‘root’, the original, semantic (meaning bearing) graph on the right, colored red; and its later added,… … Wikipedia
Ordinal indicator — º redirects here. It is not to be confused with the degree symbol °. ºª Ordinal indicator Punctuation … Wikipedia
ISO 2709 — is an ISO standard for bibliographic descriptions, entitled Format for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tape. It is maintained by the Technical committee for Information and documentation (TC 46).HistoryA format for the exchange… … Wikipedia
C file input/output — C Standard Library Data types Character classification Strings Mathematics File input/output Date/time Localiza … Wikipedia
Navtex — A NAVTEX receiver prints an incoming message. NAVTEX (Navigational Telex) is an international automated medium frequency direct printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent marine… … Wikipedia
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma — enabled the western Allies in World War II to read substantial amounts of secret Morse coded radio communications of the Axis powers that had been enciphered using Enigma machines. This yielded military intelligence which, along with that from… … Wikipedia