channel tuner

channel tuner
селектор (телевизионных) каналов

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "channel tuner" в других словарях:

  • Channel memory — An automatic channel memory system (ACMS) is a system in which a digitally controlled radio tuner such as a TV set or VCR could search and memorize TV channels automatically. While more common in television, it can also be used to store presets… …   Wikipedia

  • Tuner (radio) — A tuner is an adjustable device which passes one radio frequency, or band of frequencies, and excludes others, by using electrical resonance. A tuner performs the process of selecting the desired signal but it s output is not directly usable and… …   Wikipedia

  • ATSC tuner — Multiple MPEG programs are combined then sent to a transmitting antenna. In the US broadcast digital TV system, an ATSC receiver then decodes the TS and displays it on a TV. An ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) tuner, often called an… …   Wikipedia

  • QAM tuner — In North American digital video, a QAM tuner is a device present in some digital televisions and similar devices which enables direct reception of digital cable channels without the use of a set top box. [… …   Wikipedia

  • All-Channel Receiver Act — The All Channel Receiver Act (ACRA) (USCSub|47|303|s), commonly known as the All Channels Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1961, to allow the Federal Communications Commission to require that all television set manufacturers must… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite channel router — Unicable ist ein geschützter Markenname der FTA Comunications SARL. Er wird im deutschen Sprachraum häufig gleichgesetzt mit dem europäischen Einkabelstandard Satellite channel router (SCR). Bei Unicable handelt es sich jedoch lediglich um eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Speed (TV channel) — Speed Launched January 1, 1996 (USA) November 1, 2010 (Australia) Owned by News Corporation (SPEED Channel Inc.) Premier Media Group (Australia) Picture format USA 480i …   Wikipedia

  • Display Data Channel — The Display Data Channel or DDC is a collection of digital communication protocols between a computer display and a graphics adapter that enables the display to communicate its supported display modes to the adapter and to enable the computer… …   Wikipedia

  • VHF tuner — ultratrumpųjų bangų kanalų perjungiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. ultrashort wave channel switch; VHF tuner vok. UKW Kanalwähler, m; Ultrakurzwellenkanalwähler, m rus. переключатель каналов УКВ диапазона, m pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • ultrashort wave channel switch — ultratrumpųjų bangų kanalų perjungiklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. ultrashort wave channel switch; VHF tuner vok. UKW Kanalwähler, m; Ultrakurzwellenkanalwähler, m rus. переключатель каналов УКВ диапазона, m pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Cable-ready — is a designation which indicates that a TV set or other television receiving device (such as a VCR or DVR) is capable of receiving cable TV without a set top box. The term originates with analog TV, which uses different frequencies for cable… …   Wikipedia

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