- cetane rating
1) цетановое число (дизельного топлива)2) определение цетанового числа (дизельного топлива)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
cetane rating — noun see cetane number * * * cetane number or cetane rating noun A measure of the ignition quality of diesel engine fuel • • • Main Entry: ↑cetane * * * cetane number or cetane rating, a measure of the ability of a diesel fuel oil to igni … Useful english dictionary
cetane rating — A method of rating diesel oil or fuel by measuring the time lapse between fuel injection and ignition to determine how easy it is to ignite and how fast it will burn. The lower the cetane number, the higher the temperature required to burn the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
cetane rating — noun see cetane number … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cetane number — or CN is a measurement of the combustion quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition. It is a significant expression of diesel fuel quality among a number of other measurements that determine overall diesel fuel quality. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
cetane number — noun or cetane rating : a measure of the ignition value of a diesel fuel oil : the percentage by volume of cetane in a mixture of cetane and 1 methylnaphthalene that gives the same ignition lag as the oil being tested … Useful english dictionary
rating — See amp/hr. rating amperage rating axle weight rating capacity rating cetane rating gross axle weight rating gross Combined Weight Rating gross Vehicle Weight Rating load rating … Dictionary of automotive terms
cetane number — noun Date: 1935 a measure of the ignition value of a diesel fuel that represents the percentage by volume of cetane in a mixture of liquid methylnaphthalene that gives the same ignition lag as the oil being tested called also cetane rating… … New Collegiate Dictionary
cetane number — a measure of the ignition quality of a diesel engine fuel by comparison with various mixtures in which the alpha form of methylnaphthalene is given a standard value of 0 and cetane is given a standard value of 100. Also called cetane rating.… … Universalium
cetane number — /ˈsiteɪn nʌmbə/ (say seetayn numbuh) noun a measure of the ignition quality of diesel engine fuels. The fuel is compared with mixtures of alpha methylnaphthalene (value = 0) and cetane (value =100). Also, cetane rating …
Cetane index — is used as a substitute for the cetane number of diesel fuel. The cetane index is calculated based on the fuel s density and distillation range (ASTM D86). There are two methods used, ASTM D976 and D4737. The older D976, or two variable equation… … Wikipedia
Rating — In general, rating is the evaluation or assessment of something, in terms of quality (as with a critic rating a novel), quantity (as with an athlete being rated by his or her statistics), or some combination of both. Specifically, it may refer to … Wikipedia