ceramic-(to-)metal seal

ceramic-(to-)metal seal
металлокерамический спай

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "ceramic-(to-)metal seal" в других словарях:

  • Glass-ceramic-to-metal seals — Glass to metal seals have been around for many years, with one of the most common uses being lamp bulb seals. A more recent invention is glass ceramic to metal seals.Properties Glass ceramics are polycrystalline ceramic materials prepared by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Glass-to-metal seal — Glass to metal seals are a very important element of the construction of vacuum tubes, electric discharge tubes, incandescent light bulbs, glass encapsulated semiconductor diodes, reed switches, pressure tight glass windows in metal cases, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ceramic glaze — Composite body, painted, and glazed bottle. Dated 16th century. From Iran. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Glaze is a layer or coating of a vitreous substance which has been fired to fuse to a ceramic object to color, decorate, strengthen or …   Wikipedia

  • Seal (mechanical) — Compression seal example A mechanical seal is a device which helps join systems or mechanisms together by preventing leakage (e.g., in a plumbing system), containing pressure, or excluding contamination. The effectiveness of a seal is dependent… …   Wikipedia

  • Seal (East Asia) — For a more general view of the topic, see Seal (emblem). Seal A Baiwen name seal, read up down right left: 葉昊旻印 (pinyin: Ye Hao Min Yin, lit. Seal of Ye Haomin ) Chinese name T …   Wikipedia

  • Cryogenic seal — Cryogenic seals provide a mechanical containment mechanism for materials held at cryogenic temperatures, such as cryogenic fluids. Various techniques, including soldering and welding are available for creating seals, however specialized materials …   Wikipedia

  • Compression seal fitting — A Compression seal fitting, also known as a sealing gland, is intended to seal some type of element (probe, wire, conductor, pipe, tube, fiber optic cable) when the element must pass through a pressure or environmental boundary. A compression… …   Wikipedia

  • Cylinder seal — Mesopotamian limestone cylinder seal and impression worship of Shamash, (Louvre). A cylinder seal is a cylinder engraved with a picture story , used in ancient times to roll an impression onto a two dimensional surface, generally wet clay.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cermet — A cermet is a composite material composed of ceramic (cer) and metallic (met) materials. A cermet is ideally designed to have the optimal properties of both a ceramic, such as high temperature resistance and hardness, and those of a metal, such… …   Wikipedia

  • Spark plug — A spark plug (also, very rarely nowadays, in British English: a sparking plug) is an electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of some internal combustion engines and ignites compressed aerosol gasoline by means of an electric spark.… …   Wikipedia

  • Lead glass — Swarovski flacon. Lead glass is a variety of glass in which lead replaces the calcium content of a typical potash glass.[1] Lead glass contains typically 18–40 weight% lead(II) oxide (PbO), while modern lead …   Wikipedia

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